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NCSM...Where Mathematics Leaders Go To Learn

Registration is OPEN NOW for the Summer Leadership Academy June 29-July 1, 2020 in Baltimore!
Mathematics Leaders: Agents of Change for ALL Learners
Vision. Influence. Action.

Our next professional learning opportunity is right around the corner! We would love to see you at the annual NCSM Summer Leadership Academy June 29-July 1, 2020 in Baltimore, Maryland at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, 300 South Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.
Register HERE for the 2020 Summer Leadership Academy.
If you are a teacher leader, coach, department chair, administrator or supervisor you won’t want to miss out on these three days of learning! Join us this summer to:
EMPOWER mathematics leaders and teachers using the guiding principles and four foundational elements of the Framework for Leadership in Mathematics Education
DESIGN a shared vision for mathematics instruction through an equity lens
ADVOCATE for high leverage teaching strategies for mathematics including culturally relevant practices
MONITOR and learn practices to ensure a system for coaching to build collective efficacy
NOTE: The 2020 NCSM Summer Leadership Academy registration will be limited based on available space.
Check HERE for additional information about the Summer Leadership Academy.
From Gina Rivera and Jenny Novak, NCSM Professional Learning Co-Directors
NCSM's newest position paper, Detracking Mathematics in Middle and High school, is available HERE for all NCSM members

As bold math leaders, we must take a stand!
NCSM Leadership in Mathematics Education, believes that all students should have access to high quality instruction and post-secondary educational opportunities. While we acknowledge that many factors hinder such student access, in this position statement we call for the cessation of one clear, addressable factor: the practice of tracking.
As a practice, tracking too often leads to segregation, dead end pathways, and low quality experiences, and disproportionately has a negative impact on minority and low-socioeconomic students. In light of this, NCSM calls instead for detracked, heterogeneous mathematics instruction through early high school, after which students may be well-served by separate curricular pathways that all lead to viable, post-secondary options.
We hope that you read and discuss this important position paper with colleagues.
From Shelly Jones, NCSM Position Papers Editor
Sponsors: Interested in a Sponsor Opportunity for the Fall 2020 NCSM Bold Leadership Summit?

We are currently looking for sponsor partners for the St. Louis Bold Leadership Summit in the Fall 2020.
If you are interested in a St. Louis sponsorship, please contact Ronni David at [email protected].
Or you can find additional information HERE.
From Ronni David and Tom Stricklin, NCSM Sponsor Liaisons
Of interest to our members:
MAA Recommendations for COVID-10 Response
The MAA just posted a statement advocating for relaxing expectations under the current crisis. Click HERE for the statement.
Ray Levy coordinated the work with co-authors:
- Ed Aboufadel, Chair, MAA Committee on Faculty & Departments
- Jenna Carpenter, Past Chair, MAA Council on the Profession
- Carrie Diaz Eaton, Chair, MAA Committee for Minority Participation in Mathematics
- Michael Dorff, MAA President
- Rick Gillman, Chair, MAA Council on the Profession
- Rachel Levy, MAA Deputy Executive Director
- Audrey Malagon, MAA Committee on Faculty & Departments
- Michael Pearson, MAA Executive Director
- Jennifer Quinn, MAA President-Elect
We welcome comments/feedback, as we fully anticipate that we may update from time to time as our understanding evolves.
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's Insider. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
Insider Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's Insider Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
April 2020 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff
“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!"
Unfortunately, recent global events have handed mathematics leaders at the local, state, regional, national, and provincial level a “lemon”. An unprecedented pandemic, beyond our control, has changed the way we work and lead. Among so much loss, at the last minute, NCSM had to cancel our 52nd Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. The event included a phenomenal program, with an amazing line-up of thought leaders and inspirational sessions for mathematics leaders to Connect and Collaborate during the three-days of learning. We hoped that mathematics leaders could walk-away feeling empowered to Commit to new actions to bring the NCSM vision to life.
However, like many of you working overtime as mathematics leaders provide support, we took the “lemon” that was handed to us and did our best to make lemonade.
With the help of our Platinum Sponsors, Texas Instruments, the work of the dedicated conference committee, and many of you, NCSM hosted its very first virtual conference on March 30-31, 2020. The conference had four virtual sessions on both days with a total of 32 sessions and 40 speakers who shared their expertise for our collective learning. The event far exceeded our expectations!
On Friday before the event, we had over 5,000 participants registered and by Monday afternoon, registration closed at 9,999 participants. We had sessions that hit the cap of 1,000 participants and the feedback from every session has been incredibly positive.
Members of NCSM can see archived sessions HERE. Check out the highlights on twitter using #NCSM20 or see the “social media wall” HERE.
Even though we were not face-to-face, at the end of each day, participants submitted reflections on their one commitment based on their new learning. Here are some of my favorites:
- “I am making a commitment to not use (or allow to be used in my presence) deficit language.”
- “My BOLD commitment is to add more movement into mathematical discourse and incorporate more data science in my curriculum.”
- “My bold commitment is to have a concrete plan about how I use technology to increase PD opportunities in my district.”
- “As a school leader, making a commitment to do away with "high" and "low" math classes and the thinking that promotes mathematical learning hierarchies. “
We are so thankful at NCSM that, with sponsorship and support, we could turn a “lemon” (cancellation of a conference dedicated to mathematics leadership learning) into “lemonade” and still learn together virtually.
Now the challenge before us all as we lead mathematics education is how do we do the same back in the districts and schools we serve? How do we take a sour situation and sweeten it just a bit as we empower teachers in their planning for this year and next and grow the learning of students?
When life hands you lemons, which we know it will, how will you make lemonade for those you serve? What are additional ways NCSM can support you as a leader? Let’s work together to make gallons of lemonade.
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
New NCSM Affiliate Groups: Welcome to the Family!
We are very excited to add 3 new affiliate groups to NCSM! Joining our 39 established affiliate groups are:
- IA-NCSM, President Marty Beck and NCSM Representative Tamara Bane
- Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts (ATMIM), President Sandy Ollerhead and NCSM Representative Nancy Johnson (ATMIM Website)
- The Alabama Mathematics Leadership Alliance, President LeShell Smith and NCSM representative Sheila Holt
Welcome to the NCSM Family!
If you are part of a mathematics leadership group and are interested in finding out more about becoming an affiliate, please contact Jacob Sisson ([email protected]), Affiliates Groups Chair.
And a friendly reminder that many affiliates were due to renew their status as of March 30th...Have you renewed? To renew your affiliate membership online click here.
Benefits of Affiliate Membership:
- A connection to an established international organization for mathematics leaders.
- The president of the Affiliate group will receive the NCSM e-newsletter for distribution to members.
- Links to your website/Moodle from an Affiliates' page on the NCSM website.
- Opportunities to participate in NCSM professional development activities.
- Assistance from your Regional Director.
- Contacts to NCSM members and speakers.
- Two/Three NCSM President/Affiliates Coordinator verbal connections with your organization's president / NCSM contact
- E blasts sent by the NCSM office on your organization's behalf promoting your events to NCSM members in your area
- NCSM will send out information about your organizations events and awards through Twitter/Facebook
- Annual conference registration discount for NCSM affiliate leader president/affiliate designated person
- Affiliate Leaders meeting at Annual Conference
- Connection with other Affiliate Leaders via NCSM Affiliate Leaders Google Community
From Jacob Sisson, NCSM Affiliate Coordinate
Join us in St. Louis for the 2020 NCSM Bold Leadership Summit, October 19-21, 2020
This will be an event to move Mathematics Leaders beyond defining the issues and problems facing us, toward taking bold actions to improve the mathematics education of our students. It is different than any event NCSM has ever hosted.
You will not want to miss it!
This summit goes beyond simply listening to speakers. There will be multiple special features including Design time, You do You time, Question and Answer sessions, opportunities for you and your team to share ideas and learning, with an unconference and much more.

We will start at 8:00 AM on Monday, October 19, 2020 with the keynote and close with another closing keynote speaker and end at noon on October 21, 2020.
The summit is an exclusive event and there is a limit to the number of participants that can attend. We expect that the registration will fill before the event and there will be no onsite registration. We have a reduced rate for bringing a team and a team is as four or more people. You decide on the composition of the team.
Registration is open and available by clicking HERE.
The host hotel is the Hyatt Regency St. Louis Arch. Make your reservation directly at the hotel by clicking HERE.
Additional Information is available HERE.
From Connie Schrock, Summit Coordinator