Compassionate Mathematics

Compassion and mathematics. Are they mutually suited? Do they go together? Can we have compassionate mathematics?


Drs Aris Winger, Candice Price, Geillan Aly, and Abbe Herzig discussed this at a panel at the Mathematical Association of America’s MathFest this month. Their insights about the need for more compassionate mathematics have left a mark on my understanding of mathematics education.


When we think about learning mathematics, we usually focus on mathematics as a cognitive learning endeavor, an intellectual and academic pursuit. We always put intentional thought into how to engage students in meaningful and effective learning of mathematics content. Do we plan for how we want them to feel while engaging in the mathematics? 

How Do Our Students Feel?

What would it look like for educators to intentionally consider their students’ emotions in the math classroom and plan instruction with as much attention to how students feel as to how they will learn the content


Dr. Aly likened compassion to salt. We salt our food. Even the best dishes cooked by the best chefs are bland and hardly worth attention without salt. Dr. Aly poses that without compassion, mathematics becomes a tasteless endeavor, perhaps even a reason why some develop such dislike for math. Compassion is the essential seasoning that transforms the dish of mathematics into a flavorful feast. 


If we infuse our teaching with empathy, creating an environment where students’ feelings are seen, heard, and valued in addition to their cognitive skills being developed, it becomes something worthy of their engagement.

Without compassion, mathematics becomes a tasteless endeavor.

Changing Students’ Relationship With Math

I believe that mathematics, as Dr. Winger put it, is the greatest discipline in history. Yet, over the decades we have made it unwelcoming, a space where many students report feeling isolated and anxious and leave saying, “I am not a math person.” 


The over reliance on aspects of mathematics like correctness and speed has left scars—some identify it as mathematics trauma—that we can heal with compassion. We can foster a space where students walk out of our classrooms exclaiming, “Something is different here. They care about how I feel and believe I can do mathematics.”


You might ask, is compassion incompatible with a rigorous mathematics education? The panel dispels this as a false dichotomy. Enjoyment and high performance need not be adversaries. We can empower students to embrace curiosity, interest, and even frustrations in their learning. It is through these emotional experiences that determination and bravery emerge—the qualities that fuel problem-solving.


Our challenge lies in reimagining mathematics education to be about the humans learning mathematics and having their emotional needs attended to along the way. We can retain rigor and infuse mathematics with empathy. As Dr. Winger, self-identified as being in transition to becoming a more compassionate mathematics educator, reminds us: we can collaborate to achieve compassionate mathematics.


Don’t miss Dr. Winger’s first ever NCSM session at the upcoming conference September 23-25th in Chicago: “Creating Belonging and Inclusion through Narrative Disruption: Interrogating the Hidden norms and Rules of Mathematics and Mathematics Education.” I know I will be there! 


— Katey Arrington, NCSM President


Chicago Is Right Around the Corner


Can you believe we're already in back to school season, with our annual conference right around the corner? We can't wait to see you in Chicago September 23-25 as we focus on Breaking Barriers with Bold Mathematics Leadership.


With keynotes by from Denise Forte (CEO at The Education Trust) and Brian Butler (author of Every Student Deserves a Gifted Education), major sessions from BOLD mathematics education leaders, and myriad ways to connect with each other, we know you don't want to miss this opportunity to learn, grow, and find inspiration!


Explore the conference sessions and start planning your personal itinerary. And, don't worry—it's not too late to register!


Volunteer Opportunities


Our conference is fast approaching, and we need your help to make it a success!


Volunteering is a great vehicle to network with hundreds of math ed leaders from across North America. It's easy to get involved!


Help us during the conference while getting to know many of our speakers and attendees. The dates for volunteering are September 22-25, 2024, and we've got volunteer opportunities in a variety of ways, including registration and check-in, ticket taking, serving at the NCSM table, and more.


Fill out this form to sign up for volunteer opportunities during the Chicago conference. 


Pre-Conference Workshops


Enhance your NCSM conference learning experience by signing up to attend one of our special Sunday afternoon pre-conference sessions for leaders aligned to the conference theme and strands.


These pre-conference sessions are a great way to kick off your conference experience, network with other leaders and take a deeper dive into our recent work and Essential Actions Series from NCSM.


Dig deeper into the three main pre-conference workshops, along with sessions for first-time attendees and NCSM affiliates, and find the workshops that are right for you. 


Pre-Conference Workshop Information


NCSM Podcast

NCSM Inspiration!

Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership

Essential Actions Book Series

Position Papers

Coaching Corner


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Go To Learn


NCSM is a mathematics education leadership organization that equips and empowers a diverse 

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Insider Editor: Alison Kothe is the NCSM Marketing Chair. Please feel free to contact Alison at [email protected] with news, feedback, or suggestions.