The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
What's New at NCSM: Collective Call to Action
Join us as the mathematics education community continues the Collective Call to Action - From Awareness to Action: Equity & Social Justice in Mathematics Education.
How might we, the mathematics education community, make a difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics “that promote rich, rigorous, and relevant mathematical experiences” for all students? What key actions should we consider?
NCTM is hosting the first book study around The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-Based Practices. As a part of our Collective Call to Action to address Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education, teachers and mathematics leaders are invited to read this book and discuss its topics of leveraging math competencies, learning identities, challenging spaces of marginality and more. A dedicated online community space is provided to participants to communicate their thoughts in hosted discussions. Discussions will be divided into four parts through mid-January culminating with a webinar, January 17, with members of the author team. Learn More about the online communities and register for the webinar.
NCSM will host the second book study beginning in mid-January, Excellence Through Equity: Five Principles of Courageous Leadership to Guide Achievement for Every Student (2016) by Alan M. Blankstein and Pedro Noguera. Blanstein & Noguera (2016) talk about courage as the essential human virtue, and how courageous leadership is the “engine that drives the paradigm shift”. Visit NCSM’s Equity Leadership Resources to get this year’s reading schedule. Plan ahead to join us at NCSM’s Annual Conference where Pedro Noguera will be our keynote speaker.
How can you students be a part of the 50th NCSM Annual Conference?
As we celebrate 50 years of NCSM, we are reaching out to you to challenge your students to create a piece of art to commemorate NCSM’s 50th Anniversary. You could write problems that end in 50, create equations that would graph or end in 50, draw pictures or diagrams that relate to this in some way. Be as creative as possible.
The rules are simple:
- The piece of math art should be either 50th related, or NCSM related, or any combination thereof.
- No bigger than 15” x 20” and not smaller than 8.5” x 11”
We ask you to share this challenge with your students, teacher’s, coaches, principles, department chairs, everyone, because we want to showcase artwork from students, whether they are pre-K, through higher education, any and all are welcome. Leaders – we ask that you select 4-5 of the best pieces and send them to NCSM – PO Box 3406, Englewood, CO 80115. Please note that any pieces sent to NCSM become the property of NCSM and will not be returned.
Please include on the Math Art the student name, teacher name and school. We would like to have our Math Art be representative of NCSM’s entire membership. Please submit these works soon and definitely before February 1, 2018.
NCSM Web Highlights
The NCSM Newsletter has gone digital. The new version of the newsletter can be accessed on any computer, smartphone, or tablet.
#NCSM50 Memories
As NCSM is gearing up to celebrate 50 years of memories, we are hoping to hear from you and see your memories. Share your favorite memories on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using #NCSM50 and yours may be selected and highlighted at the conference and beyond!
NCSM eNews Contest
Congrats to Jamie Wilber, Phoenix, AZ for winning the November eNews Contsts and she won a free year of year of NCSM membership
Watch for the January eNews for another exciting contest.
Subscribe to eNews
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's eNews. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Mona Toncheff is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Mona with news, feedback, or suggestions.
Message from the NCSM President, Connie Schrock
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of NCSM
Monday, April 23 we will be having a party to celebrate our anniversary, honor the past and look toward our future. This event is going to be different than receptions we have previously hosted. Tickets are not going to be provided to the first to register for the conference. To join us at this event we are asking for a minimum donation of $19.68 to honor the founding year of NCSM. This donation is nonrefundable and will go to the Iris Carl Foundation to help new leaders attend NCSM. The space and tickets for this event are limited. Big Ideas Learning and National Geographic are joining us as sponsors for the event. Your reservation donation will not pay for any of the reception and will go in its entirety to the foundation to help new members attend annual meetings.
We will enjoy heavy hors d’oevures and drinks during our celebration. Decorations will honor our 50 years and the students we serve. We hope you will have your schools send in their mathematics art to honor the number 50. The work from students at all grade levels, states and provinces of our membership will be displayed. See the addition information about submitting your artwork in this eNews. The entertainment will include music and pictures from the decades of NCSM. We will be having short bursts of entertainment throughout the evening. We are working on a special event during the reception titled, "OVER UNDER FIFTY" and stay tuned for details, you will not want to miss the fun. Other interactive displays will also be available to enjoy.
Our celebration will be hosted at the National Geographic Building a short distance from the Convention Center. Busses will be provided for transportation from the Convention Center and back to the hotels at the end of the event. Members attending this celebration will receive a special gift book which documents the history of our organization. Don’t worry if you cannot attend as our bookstore will have a limited number of the booklets on day 2 of the conference. Attendees will have the opportunity to take pictures within the National Geographic Yellow Frame to document your evening. Remember this event is limited and if you wish to attend make sure you make your reservation now. When all the tickets are all reserved we will start a wait list. There will be no wait line on site so you will be notified if space becomes available. We hope you will join at this once in a lifetime event.
NCSM Annual Pre-Conference Options
Are you planning on attending the 2018 NCSM Annual Conference? The pre-conferences are designed so that early arrivals can start their learning and networking right away. Sessions run from 1 pm to 4 pm on Sunday April 22nd, leaving you plenty of time to pick up registration materials and enjoy the sights in Washington DC later in the afternoon.
We are featuring two sessions, one focused on coaching and the other on equity and social justice. There’s something for everyone! Read more about the sessions here and register for the conference and the pre-conference here.
Session A: Math Coaches Enact Principles to Actions: Intentionally Balancing Content and Context to Make Instructional Shifts Presenters: Courtney Baker and Melinda Knapp
In this session participants will:
- Understand a coach's critical role in building teacher capacity
- Learn seven high-leverage coaching practices for supporting individuals and teams of teachers
- Learn to make decisions within a range of coaching contexts while simultaneously focusing on math content
- Ask guiding questions that connect content and high-leverage coaching and teaching practices
- Collaboratively develop and rehearse evaluating contexts, defining a content focus, establishing goals, selecting appropriate practices and engaging in collaborative debriefs to inform future actions
- Design a course of action to support high-quality mathematics instruction specific to the coach's own context
Session B: Using Equity & Social Justice to Build Mathematics Leadership Presenters: Nora Ramirez, Linda Fulmore, Jackie Palmquist, and Pat Baltzley
In this session participants will:
- Engage in rich content, to include both mathematical and social justice content, explicitly designed to illustrate the transformation needed for learning environments, instructional practices, and systemic forces in mathematics education.
- Learn research-based strategies from experts in mathematics equity and social justice to empower mathematics education leaders with professional learning resources to bring back to their local school district.
- Have time for quality conversations and questions around tough topics directly with workshop presenters.
- Formulate a plan to meet the unique needs of their local district with ready-to-use resources for creating a mathematics vision to enable all students to learn rigorous and relevant mathematics/
- Network and share with leaders from other regions, states, and countries
If you've ALREADY registered for the conference and would like to add a pre-conference session, click the button below.
NCSM Presents 2018 Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award to Eden Badertscher of EDC
NCSM is pleased to present its prestigious Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award for 2018 to Eden Badertscher of Education Development Center (EDC), an international education and health nonprofit based outside Boston. The annual award recognizes unique contributions to equity in mathematics education.
A senior project director at EDC, Badertscher has spent her career working to close opportunity gaps in mathematics education and ensure that it promotes the proficiency of all students. She has extensive expertise in teacher education, mathematics curriculum and professional development, alignment with standards, and advancing effective mathematics instruction in urban school districts.
As Principal Investigator of Designing for Equity by Thinking In and About Mathematics, Badertscher leads a team working to close opportunity gaps for marginalized mathematics students in grades 6-12 by forming strong communities of mathematical practice that engage teachers, school and district leaders, and mathematicians. The program looks at school as a system, examining its issues of institutional racism, and engaging teachers to help disrupt that status quo. Badertscher is also leading a team to develop a diagnostic tool to help identify where opportunity gaps exist.
Recently her team received a Fellowship from 100Kin10 in recognition of the importance and promise of this work. Read a blog post by Badertscher about this project.
Prior to EDC, Badertscher worked to advance education reform in the Pittsburgh Public Schools and Prince George County Public Schools where she helped support teachers, enhance instruction, and address district needs related to special education, culturally relevant teaching, and English language learners. She has taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. She holds a BA from Princeton University and an MEd and PhD from the University of Maryland.
The Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award was first established in 2013 to honor the vibrant and service-oriented president of NCSM who also served as a conscientious editor of NCSM's newsletter. Gilliland was tireless in her efforts to achieve equity in mathematics for all, especially for children of color, those from marginalized communities, and low-income backgrounds. NCSM enabled her to learn and work locally, nationally, and internationally to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Badertscher delivers the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture at the 50th NCSM Annual Conference in Washington DC. It will be held Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 11:15 am. We hope to see you there.
SAVE THE DATE! NCSM Summer Leadership Academy in Denver, Colorado 7/30-8/1/18
Ready to make a real difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics? Do you realize that coaching is recognized as one of the most powerful ways to impact teacher growth and student learning?
If your district/school has a coaching program or is thinking about starting a coaching program; join NCSM and their Coaching Team for the NCSM Summer Leadership Academy in Colorado near the Denver Airport – July 30 to August 1, 2018.
Explore the themes and imperatives necessary for an effective Coaching program and to be an effective coach. You will receive tools and guidance in assessing where you are in your coaching journey and in the development of professional growth plans for you and/or your teams.
Topics to be addressed will include:
- The Themes: Vision, Leadership and Equity
- The Imperatives for Sustainable Mathematics Coaching
- The Imperatives for Curriculum Content
- The Imperatives for Teaching and Learning
- The Imperatives for a Culture of Growth and Improvement
Participants will be among the first to receive a copy of NCSM's new coaching book, NCSM: Themes and Imperatives for Coaching (working title).
More information will be available soon. We are excited to be hosting this coaching theme for our Summer Leadership Academy. We hope you are, too, and that we will see you in Colorado at the end of July!
Calling all Math Leaders who like Music!
On Wednesday, April 25 from 3:30 to 4:30, we will be presenting our Musical Tribute honoring NCSM’s 50th Anniversary. The presentation, telling the history of NCSM from the day of its founding to the present, requires a choir as well as some vocal soloists and musicians (second pianist, guitarist). You don’t have to be a professional singer or musician to participate. You just can’t be shy!!!!
If you agree to participate, we will have one rehearsal prior to the performance. We will send you the music (old songs with new words) along with the narrative and logistics no later than mid-February (probably, sooner).
If you want to join us, please send an email, no later than January 30, 2018, to Carole Greenes at [email protected]. If you are a musician, or if you are willing to do a solo, please let Carole know.