The NCSM INSIDER is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this to a colleague—let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
NCSM...Where Mathematics Leaders Go To Learn

NCSM Podcast
Check out the newest NCSM Podcast, "What does equity mean to mathematics leaders?" with John SanGiovanni.
You can listen on your favorite podcast platform using the links below.
MEMBERS ONLY: The video of the podcast can be viewed at HERE.
NCSM Grant Opportunity Extended to December 21, 2020
Have a great idea for professional learning around Equity & Access, Leadership Learning, or Communication Exchange?
Apply for the NCSM/NCTM Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Grant. Deadline has been extended to December 21.
More information and how to apply can be found HERE.
From Samantha Wuttig, Awards Chair
Registration Open for the Second Virtual NCSM Winter Leadership Seminars
Virtual Seminar 2
FEBRUARY 8, 2021
Bold Mathematics Leaders: Coaching as a Vehicle to Influence Change
NCSM is offering a second virtual seminar to expand your professional learning network while working side-by-side using the wealth of materials provided to enhance your leadership. If you are a teacher leader, coach, administrator, or supervisor you won’t want to miss out on the second professional learning seminar!
In Seminar 2 (February 8, 2021), you will develop a deeper understanding of coaching structures, providing feedback, strategies for addressing unproductive beliefs, and have opportunities to practice your coaching skills.
Register Online NOW for this Virtual Seminar.
Registration Fees
One Day - NCSM Member $49 One Day - Non-Member $89 Two Day - NCSM Member $79 Two Day - Non-Member $139
Registration Deadline
Please register by February 3, 2021 for the second winter seminar, Bold Mathematics Leaders: Coaching as a Vehicle to Influence Change on February 8, 2021.
NOTE: Space is limited for the 2020-2021 NCSM Virtual Seminar.
For additional information on the virtual seminars, visit the NCSM Website.
We are proud that EdGems Math is our sponsor for the 2020 Virtual Leadership Seminars. We thank them for their support.

From Gina Rivera and Jenny Novak, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
Item #1:
Call for Chapter Proposals: AMTE Professional Book Series, Vol 5
The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) seeks chapter proposals for its new book, Reflection on Past, Present and Future: Paving the Way for the Future of Mathematics Teacher Education, that will serve as a resource to guide the future of mathematics teacher education and move the field forward.
We seek proposals from a wide audience of individuals who grapple with how best to prepare and support teachers to teach mathematics. Please see the full solicitation for more details and information on how to submit.
If you have any questions, please contact the Vice President for Publications and Series Editor, Dr. Babette Benken ([email protected]).
Deadline for chapter proposals: January 18, 2021
Item #2:
Math Specialists Responsibilities: Then and Now – Impact of COVID-19
NCSM, for many years, has advocated for and supported mathematics specialists/leaders. This includes designated strands within our annual conference and, more recently, the NSCM Essential Actions: Coaching in Mathematics Education (NCSM, 2019).
Our NCSM colleagues Skip Fennell, Courtney Baker, and Margret Hjalmarson have begun work on a research project which is attempting to better understand how the responsibilities of mathematics specialists have changed since COVID-19. This would include their role as resources in rapid transition to online and hybrid models of teaching and learning and their support for teachers, their own needs for professional development and support, and in recognizing opportunities that have emerged that were not available pre-COVID-19.
The research project’s work includes surveying math specialists about their responsibilities then (pre-COVID-19) and now.
They have asked NCSM to offer our members the opportunity to participate in this initiative by completing a brief electronic survey about your experiences and perspectives. The fully electronic survey is estimated to take 10-15 minutes.
The link to the survey is HERE. Once you click the link you will be directed to the homepage of the survey.
Thank you for consideration of this request.
Additional Project Information: This research is being conducted by Dr. Courtney Baker ([email protected]) and Dr. Margret Hjalmarson ([email protected]) in the Mathematics Education Leadership program at George Mason University, and Dr. Francis (Skip) Fennell, Director of the Elementary Mathematics Specialists and Teacher Leaders Project, at McDaniel College ([email protected]).
Dr. Courtney Baker may be reached at (703) 993-5041 or [email protected] for questions or to report a research-related concern. You may also contact the George Mason University Institutional Review Board office at 703-993-4121 or [email protected] if you have questions or comments regarding your rights as a participant in the research.
Please email the NCSM Sponsor Liaisons, Ronni David and Tom Stricklin, to learn more about advertising in the NCSM monthly Insider.
They can be reached at:
[email protected]
Additional information about our Sponsors, other advertising opportunities, and becoming a Sponsor can be found HERE.
From Ronni David and Tom Stricklin, NCSM Sponsor Liaisons
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's Insider. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
Insider Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be the NCSM Insider editor.
Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.

December 2020 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff

December can be a busy month for mathematics leaders. In addition to normal job duties, the busyness of the holiday season swirls around us. And this year many of us are facing additional challenges, both personal and professional, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There seems to be an ever-ending list of tasks to complete in order to finish the semester or quarter and get ready for 2021.
One of my go-to strategies for managing and juggling tasks is to create a “to-do” list that reminds me in a concrete way what needs to be accomplished. I have lists on my phone, on my computer, and notepads in my office, in hopes I can manage everything. However, this week I came across a quote that has me thinking this go-to strategy may not be enough.
If all you have are to-do lists, you may forget to celebrate what you have done.
Whether you have to-do lists like me or mentally keep track of what you need to accomplish, do you intentionally take time to celebrate each completed task? I know that I get excited when I can cross an item off my to-do list, however, I also know too often my focus looks solely at what I need to get done next. If you similarly always look to the next task, imagine taking a moment at the end of each day to reflect on your accomplishments, and then celebrating those accomplishments as a way to rejuvenate yourself for the next day.
As 2020 comes to a close, let’s take time to focus on what has been completed and celebrate our accomplishments. We can create two lists, one with a “to-do” column and then add a second “done list” column to reflect and celebrate our small wins. At the end of the day, we can look over what we have accomplished and celebrate our daily actions that make a difference to the students, teachers and/or leaders we serve.
At the summer board meeting, the NCSM membership committee added “start a podcast” to their to-do list. I’m excited to pause and celebrate with all of you the committee’s accomplishment of that task!
On December 11th, NCSM published its inaugural podcast in the series, Learning with Leaders: Bold Mathematics Leadership, that can be found on Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcast and Stitcher.
On the 11th of each month, a new podcast in the series will be published. Some of the guests slated in the next few months include Mike Flynn, Beatrice Moore, Tracy Zager, Elham Kazemi, Harold Asturius, Emma Trevino, Carmen Whitman and more. Be sure to follow the podcast on your favorite podcast platform and stay tuned for more bold mathematics leadership conversations.
Think about your various “to-do” lists from the year, including a list you might be using right now. I encourage you to acknowledge and celebrate all of your accomplishments. I’m sure they are many, especially given the new challenges thrown our way this year. As you celebrate your “done list” during this busy month, be sure to take time to pause, relax and “be still” during the holiday season to rejuvenate yourself and be refreshed. See you in 2021!
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
Recording for Our First NETWORKING NIGHT WITH NCSM Held in November (Members Only)

The recording of the November Networking Nights Event is now available. At this event, the NCSM Professional Learning Directors shared behind the scenes tips and ideas for running virtual professional learning. They shared their top ten lessons they learned throughout the virtual professional learning journey. You can access the recording here
Be on the lookout for additional “Networking Nights with NCSM” events offered exclusively to our membership community in the upcoming months.
From Gina Rivera and Jenny Novak, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
NCSM Bold Leadership Summit in St. Louis Scheduled for April 25-27, 2021

The NCSM Bold Leadership Summit will now be held in St. Louis on April 25-27, 2021.
The event will have the same inspiring speakers and program. The Summit will start Sunday at 2:00 PM with our keynote speaker, Ken Williams and continue as planned throughout the next two days, Monday and Tuesday, with all of the featured speakers as originally planned.
The NCSM Bold Leadership Summit event will be limited to 750 attendees. On Monday and Tuesday, breakfast and lunch will be included for all attendees. Special events will include time for reflection and review of the information learned throughout the event as you strengthen your mathematics leadership for those you serve.
Please visit our WEBSITE for the additional program details.
To register for the NCSM Bold Leadership Summit in St. Louis, April 25-27, 2021, click HERE.
Member |
Non-Member |
Full Registration |
$450.00 |
$540.00 |
Early Bird |
420.00 |
500.00 |
Early Team (4 or more)* |
400.00 |
480.00 |
*Early Team: If it is a team, an NCSM member on the team pays $400, a non-member on the team pays $480. Team registration ends February 1, 2021.
From Connie Schrock, Summit Coordinator
Check out the NCSM Winter Inspiration! Available Now in PDF or Online Flipbook Format
In the Winter 2020 issue, NCSM provides reflections on and ideas for leading during these critical times. In addition, there are articles highlighting our NCSM Board Members at Work and articles featuring ideas to empower our mathematics leaders by connecting, learning, and honoring.

The NCSM Inspiration! is available to all members and can be found HERE. It is available in PDF format or in the Online Flipbook format.
In addition, for non-members, there is a FREE PREVIEW from the Summer 2020 Inspiration! to provide a taste of what kind of articles are included in the quarterly NCSM Inspiration! To access the free preview on the NCSM website, click on the LEADERSHIP RESOURCES tab and the preview will be available on the right side of the menu.
The NCSM Inspiration! is available quarterly with NCSM membership.
From Gwen Zimmermann, and Kim Romain, NCSM Inspiration! Co-Editors