The NCSM INSIDER is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this to a colleague—let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
NCSM...Where Mathematics Leaders Go To Learn

Join us in Chicago for the 52nd NCSM Conference

Connect. Collaborate. Commit. Moving Mathematics Leadership into the New Decade
March 30-April 1, 2020 Chicago, IL
Online registration is open for the conference. Information about conference fees can be found HERE.
Regular Rate: 10/26/19 - 3/6/19 Onsite Rate: 3/28/19 - 4/1/19
Click HERE to register for the conference.
Empower Teacher Leaders as Agents of Change for ALL
1:00 PM–4:00 PM
Attention BOLD math leaders, teacher leaders and coaches! As leaders we are called upon to be agents of change for teachers, teams, schools, districts and provinces to develop and activate a vision for math instruction. Join us as we lead you through developing a vision for math instruction aligned to the math teaching practices and eight shifts for math instruction. Learn how to create a culture for coaching and practice the art of coaching conversations that impact teaching and learning. And lastly, learn the critical elements of coaching individuals and teams. If you are a coach or teacher leader, this pre-conference session with help you to understand the foundational elements of being a BOLD mathematics leader through the NCSM Essential Actions framework and coaching essential actions. You won't want to miss this great afternoon of learning and networking with other math leaders!
Jackie Palmquist, Indian Prairie School District 204, Aurora, Illinois
Gina Rivera, Bristol Public Schools, Bristol, Connecticut
NCSM Essential Actions for Site-Based Leaders
1:00 PM–4:00 PM
Come join in this session with site-based leaders, including school administrators, mathematics coaches, and content leaders, to engage in strategies for developing an exemplary mathematics teaching and learning program. Explore tools for analyzing strengths and opportunities for improvement. Practice using protocols for goal setting and developing research-affirmed strategies for improved student learning. NCSM Essential Actions: Instructional Leadership in Mathematics Education serves as the focus tool for this session.
Bill Barnes, Howard County Public School System, Ellicott City, Maryland
Erin Lehmann, Rapid City Area Schools, Rapid City, South Dakota
Sharon Rendon, NCSM C2 Regional Director, Summerset, South Dakota
Denise Trakas, Washoe County School District, Reno, Nevada
Gwen Zimmermann, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Lincolnshire, Illinois
You can find the CONFERENCE SESSIONS by clicking HERE. It is going to be a fabulous program! You will not want to miss it!
The host hotel for NCSM 52nd Annual Conference is the Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E. Wacker, Chicago, IL 60601.
You can make your reservations HERE directly for rooms at the Chicago Hyatt Regency. The block of rooms will be held until filled or until March 4, 2020.
More information about the hotel and their rates can be found HERE.
You can volunteer directly by clicking HERE.
We will see you in Chicago!
Mark Your Calendars and Join us in St. Louis for the 202 NCSM Bold Leadership Summit October 19-21,2020

This will be an event to move Mathematics Leaders beyond defining the issues and problems facing us, toward taking bold actions to improve the mathematics education of our students. It is different than any event NCSM has ever hosted. You will not want to miss it.
We have invited a powerful set of presenters for the event and every participant will hear all of the major speakers. The schedule will be arranged so that participants will be grouped in four categories; coaches, elementary leaders, secondary leaders and district leaders. When registering you will select which group(s) most resonates with your current position. The presenters will provide examples that are targeted to the specific audience.
This summit goes beyond simply listening to speakers. There will be multiple special features including Design time, You do You time, Question and Answer sessions, opportunities for you and your team to share ideas and learning, with an unconference and much more. We will start at 8:00 AM on Monday, October 19, 2020 with the keynote and close with another closing keynote speaker and end at noon on October 21, 2020.
The summit is an exclusive event and there is a limit to the number of participants that can attend. We expect that the registration will fill before the event and there will be no onsite registration. We have a reduced rate for bringing a team and a team is as four or more people. You decide on the composition of the team.
Registration is open and available by clicking HERE.
The host hotel is the Hyatt Regency St. Louis Arch. Make your reservation directly at the hotel by clicking HERE.
Additional Information is available HERE.
For Our Members - From TODOS:
The TODOS 2020 Conference is Theme is Activating Agency for Student Access, Engagement, and Advancement in Mathematics. TODOS is having an art contest to design the program cover. Consider sponsoring students so they can participate. More details below.
And register today to join us at the conference in June!
Who: Any K-12 student can enter with the sponsorship of a current TODOS member.
What: Create a “poster” that reflects the mission and goals of TODOS. Posters should be 8.5” x 11”. Consider including the conference theme (listed above) on your poster.
Where: Please scan or take pictures of the posters and send to [email protected].
Additionally, mail your posters, c/o TODOS Poster Contest, to P.O. Box 25482, Tempe, AZ 85285-5482.
When: All entries must be received by February 28, 2020 so start drawing!
Why: We would love your help in participating in our conference showing your support of the organization. All honorable mention posters will be up for display during the conference. Top prize will be printed on the cover of the program cover and sent a special surprise.
When sending poster entries, include the information below:
- TODOS member sponsor name
- TODOS member sponsor contact e-mail
- Student Name: School (Name/Address)
- Grade
- Briefly explain how your poster connects to the TODOS mission and vision
For more information, click HERE.
For Our Members - From AMTE:
We are pleased to announce the release of The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership, Vol. 4 in AMTE's Professional Book Series.
This book provides an overview of a body of work conducted over the past seven years related to the preparation of secondary mathematics teachers by the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership (MTE-Partnership), a national consortium of more than 90 universities and 100 school systems. It addresses key challenges in preparing secondary mathematics teachers including: the development of content knowledge relevant to teaching secondary mathematics; effective clinical experiences to teacher candidates; recruitment and retention of secondary mathematics teacher candidates; transformation of secondary mathematics teacher preparation programs; and equity and social justice in secondary mathematics teacher preparation.
The volume is available to order on the IAP website and will be available to order on all major online retailer sites throughout the world within the next 60 days. It will be available as an eBook within the next 90 days on Google, Apple, as well as over 25 other online outlets.
More information can be found at
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's Insider. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
Insider Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's Insider Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
February 2020 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff
One benefit of being on the NCSM board is the opportunity to meet mathematics leaders from all over the world. After several encounters, I am noticing a trend regarding mathematics leaders. Though we are all tasked with growing the learning of the teachers and students we serve, we all do not share the same official title. Some mathematics leaders have traditional titles that include mathematics coach, department chair or Principal. Other mathematics leaders have unique titles like academic coach, consultant, regional specialist, or TOSA, among others. It has left me thinking about the fact that while our titles may differ, our vision for student learning remains the same. We are all aiming to take bold leadership actions to meet the vision of high levels of mathematical learning for all students. We are striving to spark curiosity and inspire others as we share our joy for mathematics.
Because I am eager to hear from all mathematics leaders, I have a task for you. As we gear up for #NCSM20 in Chicago, IL, March 30-April 1, 2020, I am asking you to share your name, title of your current mathematics leadership role, and one bold leadership action via a short video. With your help, NCSM looks forward to highlighting the various titles of mathematics leaders and sharing the bold leadership actions being taken to increase student learning.
There are three ways to access the media required for your video.
- Go to if using a computer with a video camera and speaker.
- Or, if using a mobile device, download the flipgrid app and enter the code.
- Or, use the QR Code here and it will take you to the flipgrid with directions and links for downloading the app.
When you are ready to record:
- Click the green plus button to record your video. You will have a maximum of 15 seconds, but it is not necessary to fill the entire time. You may review your video before you submit it.
- Click the arrow after recording for the selfie screen.
Helpful tips for a shareworthy video:
- Don’t wear a nametag (or a shirt with a logo) – the video reverses the name.
- Try to find a quiet location as background noise is easily picked up.
- Hold your camera vertical and above your face.
- Mix in both serious and fun!
- You can also create your video with a group of leaders at your site/district/state or province
- Retakes are possible, have fun and do not be critical of yourself.
Items to include in Video Message:
- Your name
- Your title
- One bold leadership action this year
We are looking forward to seeing your videos. Please create one soon and then watch for the clips. Together, we are striving to help all students learn and I can’t wait to hear about all of your bold actions!
By submitting your video to FlipGrid, you agree that the video becomes the property of NCSM and can be used by NCSM in the future.
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
SAVE THE DATE: Summer Leadership Academy June 29-July 1, 2020 in Baltimore!
Mathematics Leaders: Agents of Change for ALL Learners
Vision. Influence. Action.
Ready to make a real difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics for each and every learner? Bold mathematics leadership and coaching is recognized as one of the most powerful ways to build teacher capacity and increase student learning outcomes.
We would love to see you at the annual NCSM Summer Leadership Academy June 29-July 1, 2020 in Baltimore, Maryland at the Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, 300 South Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.
The academy will explore the third book on the NCSM Essential Action Series, Framework for Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM, 2020). Registration includes a copy of this resource.
To meet the vision of all students learning mathematics at high levels, understanding the framework for leadership and leading strong mathematics coaching programs is key.
Join us this summer to:
EMPOWER mathematics leaders and teachers using the guiding principles and four foundational elements of the Framework for Leadership in Mathematics Education
DESIGN a shared vision for mathematics instruction through an equity lens
ADVOCATE for high leverage teaching strategies for mathematics including culturally relevant practices
MONITOR and learn practices to ensure a system for coaching to build collective efficacy
Leadership Academy Features
18+ hours of plenary sessions for K-12 mathematics leaders
Rich and engaging content explicitly designed for mathematics education leaders
Practical suggestions and specific next steps for site work
Research-based strategies for getting results
Materials, resources, and strategies to use in your setting
Networking opportunities among leaders from other states and countries
Continental breakfast and lunch each day of the Academy
Join us along with our professional learning directors for the NCSM Summer Leadership Academy. Mathematics Leaders will leave equipped to develop a shared vision for mathematics instruction, implement high leverage teaching strategies, develop coaching structures, and monitor student learning for ALL students through an equity lens. If you are a teacher leader, coach, department chair, administrator or supervisor you won’t want to miss out on these three days of learning!
NOTE: The 2020 NCSM Summer Leadership Academy registration will be limited based on available space. Notice of when REGISTRATION opens will be sent out via email blast. Or, check HERE for updated information.
From Gina Rivera and Jackie Palmquist, NCSM Professional Learning Co-Directors
Affiliate Members - Time to Renew
It is soon time to renew NCSM Affiliate Memberships. Affiliates can now renew memberships online! To renew your affiliate membership online click here.
Benefits of Affiliate Membership:
- A connection to an established international organization for mathematics leaders.
- The president of the Affiliate group will receive the NCSM e-newsletter for distribution to members.
- Links to your website/Moodle from an Affiliates' page on the NCSM website.
- Opportunities to participate in NCSM professional development activities.
- Assistance from your Regional Director.
- Contacts to NCSM members and speakers.
- Two/Three NCSM President/Affiliates Coordinator verbal connections with your organization's president / NCSM contact
- E blasts sent by the NCSM office on your organization's behalf promoting your events to NCSM members in your area
- NCSM will send out information about your organizations events and awards through Twitter/Facebook
- Annual conference registration discount for NCSM affiliate leader president/affiliate designated person
- Affiliate Leaders meeting at Annual Conference
- Connection with other Affiliate Leaders via NCSM Affiliate Leaders Google Community
For more information, contact Nanci Smith at [email protected]
From Nanci Smith, NCSM Affiliate Coordinator
A Big Thank You to Our Generous 2019-2020 Sponsors

We highly value the relationship we have forged with sponsor organizations and companies over the years. They share our passion for mathematics education and each of their educational visions complements NCSM's mission and vision for mathematics education leadership.
Some have sponsored meal and speaker functions - challenging our ideas, nourishing bodies, and encouraging networking. Some have provided design and production expertise for print matter - allowing NCSM to increase its effectiveness while promoting professional opportunities and enabling NCSM to communicate research-informed positions about mathematics education and the role of leadership. Others have supported NCSM print matter with ads. Still others have contributed technical talent and skill - increasing NCSM's ability to network among mathematics education leaders in the US, Canada, and abroad. Some partners have provided operational services, support, and space - and much more.
On behalf of NCSM members, we thank our sponsors for their generous contributions.
For more information on our 2019-2020 sponsors, click HERE.
For more information on the NCSM sponsor opportunities click HERE.
From Jeannie Toshima and Ronni David, Sponsor Liaisons
Sponsors: Interested in a Sponsor Opportunity for the Fall 2020 NCSM Bold Leadership Summit?

We are currently looking for sponsor partners for the St. Louis Bold Leadership Summit in the Fall 2020.
If you are interested in a St. Louis sponsorship, please contact Ronni David at [email protected].
Or you can find additional information HERE.
