The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
What's New at NCSM:

Shhh....there is a contest described somewhere in this eNews! Find it and enter to win one of two possible NCSM prizes!

Book Your Hotel Room NOW for San Diego
Do you have your hotel room secured for San Diego? Don't wait until it is too late - the hotel will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
NCSM's room block is full, however, the Marriott Marquis does still have rooms available at a higher rate.
Click HERE to secure your room TODAY!
Make a Difference and Volunteer at the NCSM Conference
WE NEED YOU! Sign up to volunteer at the conference and walk away with new friends and an awesome t-shirt.

Sign up HERE to volunteer for the 2019 Conference in San Diego, April 1-3. There are many different opportunities available.
We thank you in advance for checking out our volunteer opportunities!
Plans for 2019 Summer Leadership Academy and 2019 Fall Seminars Are Underway
The 2019 Summer Leadership Academy will be held in Madison Wisconsin on July 22-24, 2019. We will continue with our theme, Building Leadership: Leveraging Coaching.
The 2019 Fall Seminars will be in Nashville, Tennessee and Des Moines, Iowa in Fall 2019 with specific dates to be determined soon.
Watch for additional information on both the Summer Leadership Academy and the Fall Seminars in future eNews issues.
Upcoming NCSM Site-Based Professional Learning
The DuPage Regional Office of Education, Illinois will be host to two half-day NCSM Professional Learning events for administrators on February 19, 2019.
Session 1 (8:00am-11:00am): Equity, Access and Social Justice in the Mathematics Classroom. Participants will explore approaches, strategies and factors that impact fair and equitable teaching practices, high expectations for all students, access to rich, rigorous and relevant mathematics and strong family and community relationships to promote positive mathematics learning and achievement. Presenters are Connie Schrock (NCSM President) and Jackie Palmquist (NCSM Professional Learning Director).
Click HERE for more information and to register for the Session 1 event.
Session 2 (12:00pm-3:00pm): Observation and Evaluation in the Mathematics Classroom. Participants will explore and more clearly define the types of teacher and student behaviors and evidence that support meaningful mathematics learning and align with commonly used evaluation frameworks. Presenters are Jessica Mcintyre (Educational Consultant and NCSM Membership Chair) and Jackie Palmquist (NSCM Professional Learning Director).
Click HERE for more information and to register for the Session 2 event.
NOTE: NCSM partners with local affiliates, professional organizations, and school districts to provide site-based professional learning events with presenters from NCSM. The intent of these sessions are professional learning through the lens of mathematics leaders.
For more information on how you can bring an NCSM site-based professional learning opportunity to your locale and for information on the fee structure, please contact Jackie Palmquist, NCSM Professional Learning Director.
Release of the First Report of the 2018 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education (NSSME+)
The Report of 2018 NSSME+ details the results of a nationally representative survey of 7,600 science, mathematics, and computer science teachers in schools across the United States.
Areas addressed include: teacher backgrounds and beliefs; science, mathematics, and computer science professional development; science, mathematics, and computer science courses; instructional objectives and activities; instructional resources; and factors affecting instruction.
For more information on the Report and to download it in a variety of formats, click HERE.
Three Free STEM Resources from CADRE
The Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE), a resource network for the National Science Foundation’s Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) program has put together free resources that may be of interest to those in the NCSM community. The DRK-12 program funds research into STEM education.
This year CADRE worked with a number of researchers and education stakeholders to produce three resources. The first is a brief on the importance of early STEM education: Considerations for STEM Education from PreK through Grade 3.
The second is a brief on the importance of broadening participation in STEM education: Creating Inclusive PreK-12 STEM Learning Environments. There is a video that accompanies this resource as well.
The third is a short video on The Importance of Early Math Education, featuring researchers such as Julie Sarama and Jere Confrey.
For more information, please contact Catherine McCulloch ([email protected]), Senior Project Director, Science and Math Programs, Learning and Teaching Division, Education Development Center, Inc.
Subscribe to eNews
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's eNews. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
January 2019 Message from the NCSM President, Connie Schrock
New Year's Resolutions
Many people make resolutions for the new year and few are able to keep them. Some resolutions require major life style changes and I believe those are the most challenging. I know often people select a word for the year. Something to challenge and set a tone for the future. I decided that might be a better option for me as I have never made a resolution.
If we set a word for NCSM in 2019, what would you select? I would select ‘growth’. We celebrated 50 years this past year and are looking toward our future.
In a few months, we will be meeting in San Diego for our 51st Annual Meeting. We would like to grow our attendance for the conference. Are you coming? Have you made plans to join us? Maybe it is the right time to invite a new leader to participate. Or, maybe it is time to invite another admiinstrator to attend with you, a non-mathematics leader. We are having special sessions for administrators in San Diego. Have you ever invited a building leader to join NCSM? This year may be the year to do so.
We want to continue to grow in the services we provide for our members. There are two new books, another monograph, and a position paper coming out at this conference. We have set the Leadership Academy for this summer and a couple other leadership events for fall. We are working on multiple initiatives to help our leadership grow.
So #GROWTH2019 is the word for NCSM. Please join me and help us grow.
Connie Schrock, NCSM president
Register Now for the 51st NCSM Annual Conference in San Diego on April 1-3, 2019!

The six strands for the 2019 NCSM Annual Conference represent areas of interest to a large number of our members and we hope that by focusing on these topics you will learn deeply about issues that are of immediate and lasting importance to you.
- Visionary Coaching Practices
- Empowering Equity and Social Justice Leadership
- Engaging Leadership Communities
- Innovative Engagement
- Exemplary Experiences from the Field
- Developing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching
Conference details and logistics are available by clicking HERE.
Register for the conference HERE.
Here is a teaser for our Monday keynote speaker (4/1/19, 8:00am-9:15am), Dr. Luis Cruz. It is going to be good...!

From Dr. Sara Moore, Conference Coordinator, and Bill Barnes, First Vice President
Information about Change to 2019 NCSM Conference Meal Tickets
Through the generosity of our sponsors, we are able to offer meal functions during the conference. Tickets to each function are limited, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis in the order your conference registration is received.
Beginning in early February, the NCSM office will send weekly waves of emails; your email will invite you to order tickets for the functions you wish to attend. The earlier you registered for the conference, the earlier your email will arrive. If you do not receive a ticket for an event, check the program book or conference app for details on wait-line procedures.
Please order tickets only for the functions you will attend; you will know the sponsor of the event and the speaker, if there is one, at the time you order tickets.
At the Fall 2018 board meeting, the board approved a small charge for meal and reception tickets.
The cost of tickets will be $5 each for breakfast & reception functions and $10 each for lunch functions. Meal tickets are a non-refundable purchase. If your plans change on-site and you have a ticket you are unable to use, please gift it to an interested colleague or return it to the on-site registration booth so it can be gifted to someone in the wait-line.
NCSM has implemented this policy to better assure our sponsors that those who request meal tickets will attend the events.
If you have questions about the conference, please visit the Conference Page on the NCSM web site. If you still need help, please contact the conference team.
From Dr. Sara Moore, Conference Coordinator
Do You Know Who YOUR NCSM Regional Director is? [Contest Alert!]
One of the NCSM member benefits is to be served by a team of dedicated individuals whose role on the NCSM Board of Directors is to provide an NCSM voice in their region and to represent their region as part of the voting board.
The NCSM Board of Directors includes nine Regional Directors. They are elected by their regional peers and are among the Board's voting members. They, like all their Board colleagues, are volunteers and actively promote NCSM's mission and vision for excellence and equity in mathematics education, by contributing their time, expertise, and passion. Regional Directors are NCSM's outreach backbone, seeking out, supporting, and networking with potential and current NCSM members. Regional Directors represent the voice and perspective of mathematics education leaders in their respective region.
The Regional Directors:
- represent mathematics educators who reside in their region's states, provinces, and counties.
- serve as a point of contact to exchange information and opportunities in mathematics education
- collaborate with others in the pursuit of mathematics education excellence and equity.
- represent NCSM at conferences, seminars, meetings, and other events.
- organize and host NCSM events for NCSM members at NCTM regionals and other venues.
- disseminate information about NCSM resources, professional learning opportunities, and collaboration prospects.
- share regional activities, information, and resources.
- spotlight the work and contributions of mathematics education leaders in their region.
- write and solicit articles for NCSM publications from NCSM members within their region.
- solicit Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award nominees.
- broadcast Iris Carl Travel Grant opportunities.
- coordinate the outreach efforts of state and provincial regional team leaders.
- provide opportunities for mathematics leaders in their region to become NCSM members or extend their current NCSM membership.
Contest Alert:
Here are the ten NCSM Regional Directors.

Notice that their names and the region they represent are not revealed...hmmmm....!
You can click on the regional director's picture and it will take you to their information and the region they represent. Or, you can click HERE to reach the NCSM website and the Board of Directors page under the ABOUT NCSM tab. There you will see all of the regional directors.
Contest Information:
Contest 1: Email YOUR regional director with "Happy New Year!" and provide one specific piece of information you found out from their page. Each regional director's email is listed on their page. Make sure you list where you are from so they know you are in their region.
When your email is received, your regional director will put your name in a drawing to receive some NCSM swag. Cool stuff!
This contest will end February 1.
Contest 2: Email Pat Baltzley at [email protected] with a listing of ALL the Regional Directors' names and the region each represent.
When your email is received, I will place your name in a drawing to receive a one-year new or renewed membership! Wow!
This contest will end February 1.
Have some fun and get to know your regional directors...on your mark, get set, GO!
From Pat Baltzley, Marketing Director, and Jessica McIntyre, Membership and Volunteer Coordinator