The NCSM INSIDER is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this to a colleague—let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
NCSM...Where Mathematics Leaders Go To Learn
Quick NCSM Voting Reminder
Your membership must be current as of today, January 15th to be able to vote in the upcoming election. Make sure your email information is correct and your membership is up to date. To check on your membership status and to renew if needed, click HERE.
NCSM Podcast
Check out the newest NCSM Podcast!
In this month’s podcast, co-hosts, Mona Toncheff, NCSM President, and John SanGiovanni, Regional Director, Eastern Region 2 interview Mike Flynn, one of the speakers from the Bold Mathematics Leadership Summit in April.
The title of the January episode is, “Bold Advocacy: Empowering Educators to Create System-Wide Support for Change in Mathematics Education". In this bold leadership conversation, Mike Flynn discusses the importance of advocacy and specific strategies to empower those that we serve.
You can listen on your favorite podcast platform using the links below.
Members Only: Networking Night with NCSM - January 28, 2021 with Katy Arrington
Connections are powerful! Register now for the next Networking Night with NCSM on January 28, 2021 to network with other affiliates and share ideas.
Hosted by Katy Arrington, Regional Director Southern 2, this event will provide the opportunity to connect with other BOLD mathematics leaders to share opportunities and benefits from being a member of NCTM and the benefits of being a member of a local affiliate.
Register HERE.
From Gina Rivera and Jenny Novak, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
Recording Available for our Second NETWORKING NIGHT WITH NCSM Held in December (Members Only)
The recording of the December Networking Nights Event is now available. At this event, the NCSM Coaching Team modeled how the the Nine Essential Coaching Actions are embedded in the new online resource, the Coaching Corner. You can access the recording here.
Register now for the third Networking Night on January 28th (see above article for details) and be on the lookout for additional NETWORKING NIGHTS WITH NCSM events offered exclusively to our membership community in the upcoming months.
From Gina Rivera and Jenny Novak, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
SOLD OUT! Registration CLOSED for the Second Virtual NCSM Winter Leadership Seminars
Virtual Seminar 2
FEBRUARY 8, 2021
Bold Mathematics Leaders: Coaching as a Vehicle to Influence Change
For additional information on the virtual seminars, visit the NCSM Website.
We are proud that EdGems Math is our sponsor for the 2020 Virtual Leadership Seminars. We thank them for their support.
From Gina Rivera and Jenny Novak, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
Item #1:
Moving Forward in the Midst of a Pandemic: International Lessons for Math Teachers
The U.S. National Commission of Mathematics Instruction and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are hosting several presentations:
Thursday, February 16, 2021: How to Spark Curiosity with Problem Based Lessons, a talk by Kyle Pearce & Jon Orr, Mathematics Educators, Make Moments Inc. (Canada). Register HERE.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021: Teachers' Perspectives of Strength-Based Mathematics Learning Before, and During the Pandemic, a talk by Roberta Hunter & Colleagues, Professors, Institute of Education at Massey University (New Zealand). Register HERE.
Item #2:
Call for Chapter Proposals: AMTE Professional Book Series, Vol 5
The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) seeks chapter proposals for its new book, Reflection on Past, Present and Future: Paving the Way for the Future of Mathematics Teacher Education, that will serve as a resource to guide the future of mathematics teacher education and move the field forward.
We seek proposals from a wide audience of individuals who grapple with how best to prepare and support teachers to teach mathematics. Please see the full solicitation for more details and information on how to submit.
If you have any questions, please contact the Vice President for Publications and Series Editor, Dr. Babette Benken ([email protected]).
Deadline for chapter proposals: January 18, 2021
Please email the NCSM Sponsor Liaisons, Ronni David and Tom Stricklin, to learn more about advertising in the NCSM monthly Insider.
They can be reached at:
[email protected]
Additional information about our Sponsors, other advertising opportunities, and becoming a Sponsor can be found HERE.
From Ronni David and Tom Stricklin, NCSM Sponsor Liaisons
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's Insider. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
Insider Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be the NCSM Insider editor.
Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
January 2021 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff
"Leadership is not about being in charge.
Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge."
-Simon Sinek
There is hope in the air as 2021 begins. The past year, 2020, is finally in the rear-view mirror. We can all agree, 2020 was quite the year. For me, there were several moments over the year that I will not forget. These moments stretched me to new limits and brought me joy. Some of the moments were positive and provided insight while others were negative and filled me with deep sadness. Each moment, whether short or long, remains significant and memorable to me.
Chip and Dan Heath (2017) in their book, The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact, call these extraordinary moments, “defining moments”. Defining moments are more meaningful, and the experience leaves a lasting memory.
When I think about my personal defining moments this year, I know I learned more about myself and how to grow and change to meet challenges. As educators, we used the term “pivot” multiple times throughout the year to describe a moment when we had to change to meet a new demand or challenge. When we had to make changes that connected to our vision for teaching and learning or to our shared purpose, we saw how the “pivot” made a difference for the students, and we celebrated the work. We were engaged in a positive defining moment as a team.
Now I want you to consider the opening quote from Simon Sinek. If being a leader is about taking care of those you serve, then how do we build positive defining moments that impact change? Or allow us to successfully pivot? Intentionally working toward positive defining moments shows care.
In making sure defining moments stick, we connect purpose, the actions of teachers and leaders, and the productive impact of the change. When we understand the connections and can celebrate a desired outcome from the actions that produced it, there is a positive emotional residue from the defining moment for all involved.
Leaders building these moments demonstrate care for those served. You know what you are doing is making a difference, so you and those around you are eager to engage in the work ahead. Making connections as a leader creates excitement and hope when having to “pivot”. When we understand the research behind defining moments, we can build more of these moments to impact change.
If we think about the challenges that occurred in 2020 and the next steps needed for 2021 to create educational systems that support all students, we know changes are ahead. Consider how to build positive defining moments that challenge the status quo for each change. Some questions to consider might include:
- Why is this change necessary?
- What is the desired outcome of the change?
- What actions will be required of teachers and leaders to enact the change?
In 2021, you might want to design a professional learning experience so memorable that teachers no longer solely choose direct instruction. You might share a personal story so impactful it prompts deeper reflection and causes teachers or leaders to look in a mirror and make adjustments that reach more students. You might create a new structure for team meetings that sparks excitement, joy and celebrates the work of the team.
Regardless of the change you seek, after such a difficult year, it is our responsibility to be mindful of the experiences we create for those we serve. Throughout 2021, look for ways to build positive meaningful moments that impact lasting change. Then celebrate each as a way to care and appreciate those in your charge.
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
Nominations Open for the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award and the Ross Taylor / Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award
Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award
Kay Gilliland gave her time, energy, services and skills to work for equity in mathematics education for all students, especially low-income, black, Latino, and indigenous peoples. Each year NCSM honors her legacy by presenting a person of like mind and work ethic with the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award. The awardee will be invited to present their lecture at the 2020 Annual NCSM conference in Chicago, Illinois at the end of March. Please consider nominating a colleague.
You can begin the process by clicking HERE and completing the form.
More information about the award and nominating criteria can be found HERE. Nominations are open through April 1, 2021.
Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award
Colleagues across the nation are engaging in significant work to further ideas and passion regarding mathematics leadership and education. Please consider nominating a person you know who has made significant and describable contributions to the field through a dedication and concern for his/her fellow mathematics educators. This person should demonstrate a clear knowledge of mathematics education as well as contributing to the furthering of the stated purposes of NCSM: the interchange of ideas, cooperation with other professional organizations, and leadership in attacking current problems in mathematics curriculum and supervision.
You can begin the process by clicking HERE and completing the form.
More information about the award and the nominating criteria can be found HERE. Nominations are open through May 1, 2021.
From Samantha Wuttig, NCSM Awards Chair
NCSM Bold Leadership Summit in St. Louis Scheduled for April 25-27, 2021 will have ONSITE and VIRTUAL Options
Participants can now select onsite or virtual for the NCSM Bold Leadership Summit
New Virtual Option
Participants that select virtual registration for the Bold Leadership Summit will have the opportunity to experience the conference in real time or view recordings of the sessions as your schedule permits.
The NCSM Summit goes beyond simply listening to speakers. There will be multiple special features including Design Time, You-do-You time, Question and Answer sessions, and opportunities for you and your team to share ideas and network with other leaders. The event includes an unconference and much more. The virtual participants will be engaged throughout the conference with the support of NCSM board members and moderators during each session. There will also be opportunities leading up to the event to understand how to engage and get the most from the virtual learning experience.
Be sure to listen to the NCSM Podcast to get a preview of the sessions from the Summit speakers. The Bold Mathematics Leadership series podcast will be released on the 11th of each month. You can find the podcast on:
Google Podcast:
Cancellation of Onsite Option
Your safety and well-being are NCSM’s first priority and if we are unable to meet onsite, we will move to a fully virtual format. Your onsite registration fee will be adjusted, and the balance will be refunded. If there are any changes to the format, we will provide information and updates to registrants as soon as the information is available.
The Early Bird and team registration discounts end on February 15, 2021. Be sure to get your registration in right away. Space is limited for both options.
Please check our website for more details.
From Connie Schrock, Summit Coordinator