The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
What's New at NCSM:
Congratulations to Diane Briars, the 2018 Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Awardee

Diane Briars, past president of both NCSM and NCTM, was honored at the NCSM Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. on April 25, 2018 at the final conference luncheon with the Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award.
Please visit HERE for a video describing the significant contributions Diane Briars has made as a mathematics leader and for more information about the Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award.
This and other awards are now open for nominations. Please see the article to the right for additional information about the NCSM Awards Program.
Congratulations to our NCSM Members who have been named recently as PAEMST Awardees
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST), the nation’s highest honor for teachers of mathematics and science (including computer science) were recently announced! PAEMST is awarded annually to exceptional K-12 educators throughout the nation.
NCSM is proud to be represented among these excellent teachers! Two NCSM members were selected as PAEMST Awardees: Anne Marie Nicoll Turner (Michigan) and Denise Marie Rawding (New Jersey). Visit HERE to read their biographies and learn more about them.
Collective Call to Action
Join us for the Collective Call to Action's next book discussion for July - August. A webinar will be held in September 2018 (date TBD) and will be facilitated by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).
Continue your readings and reflection over the summer with educators from around the country and possibly the world as we continue our work From Awareness to Action: Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education.
The readings and reflection questions provide a focus as you study, reflect, and contemplate the action(s) you will take as you continue your equity walk. Each month’s reading is now for two months followed by a webinar. We look forward to our year of learning together.
View the list of articles and books for the 2018-2019 learning and visit the MyNCTM community to join the online discussion forum.
An Invitation to Take a Brief Survey for an International Study on Early Childhood Education
Drs. Doug Clements, Julie Sarama, Holland Banse, Crystal Day-Hess, and Candace Joswick at the Marsico Institute for Early Learning and Literacy and the James C. Kennedy Institute for Educational Success (University of Denver) are working with colleagues from around the world to complete an international comparison of pre-school teachers' educational and pedagogical beliefs in the field of mathematics. Their charge is to gather survey data from the United States.
You are invited to complete a survey if you are a pre-service or in-service teacher of children aged 3 to 6 years.
The survey may be accessed HERE. Please share with others.
Statistics Workshop Registration Open for MWM
The American Statistical Association (ASA) wants to invite you to attend a Meeting Within a Meeting (MWM) Statistics Workshop for Middle and High School Mathematics and Science Teachers, which will take place on July 31–August 1, 2018 in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
The workshop is offered by ASA and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Joint Committee on Curriculum in Statistics and Probability in conjunction with the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) 2018 in Vancouver, BC, Canada, though registration for JSM is not required.
The workshop programs (grades 5-8 and 9-12) are posted online. Registration is just $50, and the ASA will refund $50 to the first 30 teachers/supervisors who register and attend. Teacher educators, supervisors, and pre-service teachers are also welcome. Registration will be open until July 16 or until the course fills, but a limited number of scholarships and reimbursements are available, so act quickly and register soon. The MWM program is posted online.
Registration is just $50, and the ASA will refund $25 to the first 30 teachers/supervisors who register and attend. Teacher educators and pre-service teachers are also welcome. Registration will be open until July 16 or until the course fills, but a limited number of scholarships and reimbursements are available, so act quickly and register soon!
Learn more and register HERE.
Extend your NCSM Summer Leadership Academy with ANOTHER CONFERENCE OPPORTUNITY: Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics, August 2-3
For those interested in extending your mathematics learning and networking experience, you will want to check out the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics conference which will be held on August 2-3 at the University of Denver, about 15 minutes away from where the NCSM Summer Leadership Academy is located. Two conferences in one week! What a wonderful opportunity!
You can check out the Conference Program and register for the conference HERE.
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's eNews. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
Message from the NCSM President, Connie Schrock
Benefits of Being a Member of NCSM
Summer is almost halfway over and we are beginning to think about the new school year. As your NCSM Board gathered at our summer board meeting last month, we continued the discussion on what we can do to make sure your membership is always of service to you throughout the year. I would like to highlight just a few of the current benefits of an NCSM membership. Links to all of these benefits are found HERE.
Pedro Noguera's Keynote address, "Equity and Deeper Learning in Mathematics", delivered at the 2018 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. is now available as a video for NCSM members. Clicking on this VIDEO LINK will prompt you to log in with your membership information. (Note that the video is 47 minutes long.) It is great to hear Pedro again if you were at the conference or, for the first time, if you were unable to join us this year.
Another value of membership includes reduced rates at the leadership academies and seminars. There is still time to join us for the Building Mathematics Leadership: Coaching Summer Leadership Academy at the end of July in Denver, Colorado. See the article below or visit HERE for more information on this year's academy. Look for information to come in the near future about the valuable fall seminars to be held in Hartford, CT on October 4, 2018 and in Seattle on November 28, 2018.
The position papers provide information and suggestions on focused topics. Most recently we have the papers on Building STEM Education on a Sound Mathematical Foundation and Computer Science and K-12 Mathematics. The STEM position paper was a joint effort with NCTM, so you will find a webinar from me and NCTM President, Robert Berry III, in the same location as the position paper.
Multiple electronic resources arrive in your email. I personally find the Marshall Memos amazing and they arrive to your email box on a regular basis, usually every Tuesday. There is so much overwhelming information on the Internet and in the news that these electronic resources help us to focus on information relevant to our work. Another resource is the eNews (this vehicle) that comes into your email box around the 15th of every month. Look beyond the articles to the gems of resources and opportunities from NCSM and other organizational partners.
Our periodicals include the NCSM Newsletters which are published four times a year - fall, winter, spring, summer - and are now in an electronic, interactive format. We send you a notification when the newsletter is ready for your perusal. The NCSM Journal is published twice yearly - in the spring and fall - and is mailed to members of NCSM only. They are not available by subscription so this is a benefit for you as a member. There are also several Monographs available to NCSM members. All of these periodicals, both past and current, can be found HERE.
There are multiple publications for purchase. We have Prime, It’s Time, and Great Tasks for purchase. Three new publications are underway and I will provide you with more information on these in the next few months. You can purchase NCSM publications at the NCSM Shop Online.
Have you really looked at our website recently? There is a variety of tools we hope you will find useful. Jumpstart (research-based formative assessment information), Tasks in Three Acts (tools with videos), Mathematical Trajectories PowerPoint, and the NCSM Career Center to just name a few of the resources you will find. Have you explored the Coaching Corner and all of the ways the information could help? I challenge you to find each of the resources mentioned above on our website and explore what rich resources they are.
And have I mentioned the networking opportunities? These start with the conferences but do not end there. Our new software has circles that enable our RD’s to reach out to their regions and we have used them to provide more information and interactions. Our members are one of our most valuable resources. We learn from each other and we advance the learning for our students.
Starting in August, to help you discover more about the rich resources on the website and our other benefits, the eNews will feature a different benefit each month. Look for a guided tour of an NCSM benefit each month!
I am honored to continue to volunteer for NCSM on this journey as president. Please reach out when you have an idea or way to work with us as we plan bold leadership in mathematics education.
News Flash! Candidates for the 2018-2019 NCSM Election Have Been Finalized
NCSM members nominated twenty-five candidates for election to the Board positions that begin in April 2019. We are pleased that sixteen members accepted the nominations and submitted candidate forms. The NCSM Nominations Committee determined the following slate:
Second Vice-President Eric Milou (Sewell, NJ) Shawn Towle (Portland, ME)
Regional Director Central 1 Denise Brady (Grand Blanc, MI) Steven Shadel (Skokie, IL)
Regional Director Eastern 1 CathyBoutin (Johnston, RI) Hilary Kreisberg (North Chelmsford, MA)
Regional Director Southern 2 Katey Arrington (Austin, TX) Mary Swarthout (Huntsville, TX)
Make sure your email information is correct and your membership is up to date. Watch for the voting announcements in the mail and online; you should receive a postcard with voting instructions in mid-August. Voting will begin on September 15th and end on October 15th.
Remember, NCSM is depending on YOU to VOTE in the upcoming election. All voting is online and requires only a few minutes.
From Steve Viktora, NCSM Nominations Chair
Another News Flash! It is that time of the year to consider Mathematics Leaders for NCSM Awards
Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award
Kay Gilliland gave her time, energy, services and skills to work for equity in mathematics education for all students, especially low-income, black, Latino, and indigenous peoples. Each year NCSM honors her legacy by presenting a person of like mind and work ethic with the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award.The awardee will be invited to present their lecture at the 2019 Annual NCSM conference in San Diego, California in April.
Please visit HERE for more information on the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award and to nominate a candidate for this award. Nominations are open through October 1, 2018.
Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award
Colleagues across the nation are engaging in significant work to further ideas and passion regarding mathematics leadership and education. Please consider nominating a person you know who has made significant and describable contributions to the field through a dedication and concern for his/her fellow mathematics educators.
This person should demonstrate a clear knowledge of mathematics education as well as contributing to the furthering of the stated purposes of NCSM: the interchange of ideas, cooperation with other professional organizations, and leadership in attacking current problems in ma2018 thematics curriculum and supervision.
Please visit HERE for more information on the Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award and for a nomination form and criteria. Nominations are open through November 1, 2018. See sidebar article on the 2018 Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership awardee, Diane Briars.
Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Grant (PreK-12)
The purpose of this grant is to provide professional learning assistance for mathematics teachers and mathematics teacher-leaders. For 2018-19, a grant of a maximum of $4000 will be awarded to an elementary, middle or secondary school. The professional learning is for mathematics teacher-leaders and/or mathematics teachers within a school or district. Professional learning must focus on one of NCSM’s signature initiatives, Formative Assessment, Digital Learning or Access-Equity-Empowerment.
Please visit HERE to apply for a Teacher-Leader Professional Learning Grant. Applications are open now! The deadline is November 2, 2018.
Iris Carl Travel Grants
Do you serve in a mathematics education leadership role? The 2019 Annual NCSM Conference will take place in San Diego, California in April 2018. If you are a current NCSM member (as of November 1, 2018), and have not had the opportunity to attend this outstanding conference focused on cutting edge topics in mathematics education in the past three years, you are eligible for one of the Iris Carl Travel Grants.
Please visit HERE to apply for an Iris Carl Travel Grant. The deadline is December 1, 2018.
If you are an NCSM member and have attended the annual conference before (and loved it), find a colleague who is (or will become) a NCSM member by November 1, 2018 but has not attended the annual NCSM conference, and share this awesome opportunity with them.
From Irma Cruz-White, NCSM Awards Chair
There is Still Time to Register for the NCSM Summer Leadership Academy: "Building Mathematics Leadership: Coaching"!

Are you ready to make a real difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics? Do you realize that coaching is recognized as one of the most powerful ways to impact teacher growth and student learning?
Are you ready to make a real difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics? Do you realize that coaching is recognized as one of the most powerful ways to impact teacher growth and student learning?
If your district/school has a coaching program or is thinking about starting a coaching program; join NCSM and their Coaching Team for the NCSM Summer Leadership Academy at the Doubletree by Hilton Denver Tech Center in Greenwood Village, CO (Denver area) – July 30 to August 1, 2018.
During the academy, participants will learn about:
- Improving your own leadership as a coach and/or as a coach of leaders;Using research-based resources for coaching;
- Working with teachers to establish positive, productive, and collaborative relationships;
- Engaging teachers in reflection about teaching and learning;
- Supporting the change process to encourage a culture of life-long learning;
- Developing a strategic plan to support own and/or district goals for coaching.
More information and registration is available HERE. We are excited to be hosting this coaching theme for our Summer Leadership Academy. We hope you are, too, and that we will see you in Colorado at the end of July!
