The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!

Early Bird Registration closes on June 30, 2019 for the 2019 NCSM Summer Leadership Academy: Empower Coaches and Teacher Leaders as Agents of Change for ALL Learners

THEME: Empower Coaches and Teacher Leaders as Agents of Change for ALL Learners
DATES: July 22-24, 2019
HOTEL: Madison Marriott West, 1313 John Q Hammons Drive, Middleton, WI 53562. To make a hotel reservation, please call (608) 831-2000 and ask for the NCSM Leadership Academy group rate.
Or make your hotel reservation online.
Registration Fees:
Madison, WI
by 6/30/19
7/01/19 to 7/15/19
(based on availability)
Team Rate (a team is three or more people)
NCSM Member
Individual Rate
NCSM Member
More information about the Summer Leadership Academy, Registration, and hotel and hotel rates can be found HERE on the NCSM website.
From Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
The Summer 2019 NCSM Newsletter is Available Online...Check It Out!
The Summer Issue of the NCSM Newsletter is available online as both a PDF download and in our interactive flipbook format.
Click HERE or on the image below to access the Summer 2019 Newsletter.

From Sandie Gilliam, Newsletter Editor
Of Interest to Our Readers:
A Synthesis of Research on Learning Trajectories/Progressions in Mathematics
A new research paper was written by Professor Jere Confrey from North Carolina State University. Alan Maloney, Meetal Shah and Michael Belcher also contributed to the preparation of this document.
This paper presents a synthesis of research on learning progressions in mathematics and the essential question of the paper is, "Can we design adaptive systems that deliver curriculum and instruction that meet the needs of all the students, while at the same time ensuring progress at appropriate rates towards readiness for college and careers as conceptualized in the OECD Education 2030 vision and the draft Mathematics Competency Framework?
Read the article HERE.
Free Live Stream of the Early Math Symposium sponsored by the California State Board of Education and its partners on Friday, June 21, 2019
The Early Math Symposium is a professional development opportunity jointly sponsored by the California Department of Education, the California State Board of Education, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, First Five California, WestEd, the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association, the Fresno County Office of Education, and the California Early Math Project.
This year’s Early Math Symposium will focus on fostering fun, creativity, and discovery while supporting the mathematical development of all young children!
Join us at CSU East Bay in Hayward, California on Friday, June 21 for three powerful keynotes and a variety of breakout sessions.
The Symposium will feature three inspiring keynotes.
Kevin Schaefer and Kristin Brooks will address early math learner variability through the lens of Universal Design for Learning principles.
Chris Brownell, co-author of Math Recess, will share stories to illustrate how math is tied to humanity.
Megan Franke will show how focusing on the details of children's thinking, can support educators to listen to and learn from children, to focus on their strengths, and to notice and build in productive ways.
Participants may also select from several breakout sessions:
- Expressing creativity through math
- STEM – birth through age 3
- Culturally relevant professional learning
- Inclusion – common modifications and adaptations to support preschool success
- Effective strategies for family engagement
- Inclusive preschool math environments
- Dual language and community learning centers
- Talking about math with young children
- Exploding dots – joyful, uplifting, exciting math!
- Everyday play and exploration for developing children’s math knowledge
- Investigating Force and Motion – hands-on STEM for children 2 and older
- Children’s Literature and Math – games, activities, and recipes for home, school and community
Can’t attend in person? Sign up for the live webcast.
Register today to attend in person or for the live webcast by clicking HERE.
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
June 2019 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff

I had the privilege of meeting with the New Jersey Association of Mathematics Supervisors at the end of May. As an Arizonian, driving on the east coast is always a different and interesting experience. Once I successfully navigated the New Jersey Turnpike, I noticed that for most of the drive, the only view on either side of the road were beautiful trees framing the freeway. However, unless I was exiting the freeway or looking at Google Maps, I realized I had no idea what was on the other side of the trees. What a stark contrast to my experiences growing up in the Valley of the Sun where I can drive on the freeway through the cities, valleys, and mountains and observe a near 360-degree view of the surrounding locations.
When I think about leading mathematics, it often feels like driving on the New Jersey turnpike. There is a road leading to the desired destination and I work to navigate the journey using my GPS. I know, however, that there are other pathways or obstacles along the way, but they cannot always be seen or anticipated through the trees. How awesome would it be if while leading others, we could see the vistas around every turn and better navigate each challenge around the corner?
New and experienced mathematics leaders cannot anticipate every challenge. Yet time and time again, a resource that has helped me on my leadership journey is the network of leaders I found through NCSM. They act as my GPS and have also given me wide vistas on various leadership routes to better anticipate and navigate the twists and turns ahead.
Where are you on your leadership journey? What are you trying to get a 360 view around as you boldly lead into the next school year? What network of leaders or resources will you rely on for support to guide your route?
Be sure to check out the latest resources from NCSM and consider attending the Summer Leadership Academy in Madison, WI or the Fall Leadership Seminars in Nashville, TN and Des Moines, IA.
Together, we can create a network of support and unveil vistas for the work ahead!
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
Make sure you have March 30-April 1 on your Calendar for the 2020 NCSM Conference in Chicago!

Conference Dates March 30 – April 1, 2019
Conference Location Chicago, IL
Please click HERE for additional information about the 2020 Conference.
From Maria Everett, 1st Vice President
Registration will be available soon for the Two NCSM Fall Seminars. Plan now to attend.
Building Mathematics Leaders: Coaching
Nashville, TN: October 2, 2019
Des Moines, IA: November 18, 2019
If you only have one day to spare for your professional growth, spend a day with NCSM. Seminar presenters actively engage participants and guide them through adaptable research-informed practices, strategies, models, and concepts that effective mathematics education leaders need to know and integrate into their work. Leave the seminar with practical and inspired ideas and actions that will prepare you to lead and support others throughout the year.
Fall Seminar Features
- Our focus will be to help each participant become the agent of change and improve student achievement in mathematics through the vehicle of classroom and district coaching.
- You will learn research-based strategies using expert resources in mathematics coaching.
- We will work with you as you develop a plan for your district site with your team (or individually) with ready-to-use resources.
- You will network with leaders from other regions, states, and countries.
- You will enjoy continental breakfast and lunch provided the day of the seminar.
- We invite you to join us for registration and breakfast starting at 7:15am.
Join other mathematics leaders to impact the development of effective mathematics teachers in a time of change through the lens of coaching.
The 2019 NCSM Fall Seminar registration will be limited based on available space.
More details and registration information will be posted HERE when it becomes available.
From Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
Don't Forgot to Check out the New NCSM Publications in the NCSM ONLINE STORE?
NCSM Essential Actions: Instructional Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM 2019)
List price: $26.00 Member price: $24.00

School-based administrators wear many hats as the primary instructional leader to the students, teachers, and community they serve. The latest book from NCSM in the Essential Action Series is a go-to resource for principals as they work toward increasing mathematics learning for each and every learner. This hands-on resource details the essential actions for mathematics leadership.
NCSM Essential Actions: Coaching in Mathematics Education (NCSM 2019)
List price: $28.00 Member price: $26.00
Mathematics coaching has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to increase teacher effectiveness and student learning. The book Coaching in Mathematics Education, from NCSM's new Essential Action Series, will serve as a guiding reference for coaches, teachers, administrators, and others as mathematics coaching programs become more prevalent throughout schools worldwide.
Acknowledging Our Role in the Education Debt: Working to Transform School Mathematics for Learners of Color (NCSM and EDC, 2019)
Editors: Eden M .Badertscher and Melissa D. Boston
List price: $12.00 Member price: $10.00

This monograph by the Designing for Equity by Thinking in and about Mathematics (DEbT-M) team offers NCSM members a thorough look at the project's journey aimed at facing, understanding, and acting on race-based inequities in order to close the opportunity gap for secondary mathematics students who have been systematically marginalized in schools. Each chapter was selected through a proposal process with an internal review before being included in this monograph. The project leaders brought this idea for publication to NCSM so that multiple voices (e.g., teachers, leaders, administrators, math educators, mathematicians) become the partners that all teachers deserve in this work. Districts are often in reaction mode instead of charting a course and supporting that course over the years, as needed to make a difference. Changes like those discussed in this monograph require significant learning, time, and commitment to produce a payoff that is valuable for each and every learner.
You can access the NCSM Online Store HERE.