The NCSM INSIDER is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this to a colleague—let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
NCSM...Where Mathematics Leaders Go To Learn

Space Limited! Virtual Summer Leadership Academy

Join us for the virtual NCSM Summer Leadership Academy June 29-July 1, 2020.
Register is limited and is filling up fast!
Ready to make a real difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics for each and every learner from the comfort of your own home?
NCSM is proud to announce that the 2020 NCSM Summer Leadership Academy will be a virtual professional learning experience using Zoom. While the format has changed, the experience will still be engaging and interactive. You can check out the agenda HERE.
If you register by June 22, 2020, you will get your Leadership Framework book before the event! If not it will be delivered after. Either way, it will be 3 great days of Virtual Learning and fun!
For additional information and to register, visit the LEADERSHIP ACADEMY information on the NCSM website.
We are proud to announce that the CPM Educational Program is our sponsor for the 2020 Summer Leadership Academy. We thank them for their support.

From Mona Toncheff, NCSM President, and Gina Rivera and Jenny Novak, NCSM Professional Learning Co-Directors
Join us in St. Louis for the 202 NCSM Bold Leadership Summit October 19-21,2020

The summit is different than any event NCSM has ever hosted. You will not want to miss it.
There will be multiple special features including Design time, You do You time, Question and Answer sessions, opportunities for you and your team to share ideas and learning, with an unconference and much more. We will start at 8:00 AM on Monday, October 19, 2020 with the keynote and close with another closing keynote speaker and end at noon on October 21, 2020.
The summit is an exclusive event and there is a limit to the number of participants that can attend. We expect that the registration will fill before the event and there will be no onsite registration. We have a reduced rate for bringing a team and a team is as four or more people. You decide on the composition of the team.
Registration is open and available by clicking HERE.
Additional Information is available HERE.
From Connie Schrock, the Summit coordinator
Spring 2020 Issue of the NCSM Journal now available online to members

The PDF of the Spring 2020 issue can be downloaded or viewed HERE.
From Brian Buckhalter, the Journal editor and Erin Lehmann, Associate Journal editor
Of interest to our members:
From our Partner Organization, AMTE:
AMTE Membership Survey
As the Membership Task Force for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), we invite you to take a few minutes to complete a brief survey about your knowledge of our organization.
The AMTE Membership Survey can be accessed HERE.
We are working to expand our reach by improving how we serve mathematics teacher educators across a variety of institutions and experiences.
Your input is valued and appreciated. If you have already completed this survey because you are already a member of AMTE, please disregard.
Thank you for giving a few minutes to complete the survey by June 30, 2020.
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's Insider. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
Insider Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be the NCSM Insider editor.
Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
June 2020 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff
"A learning curve is essential to growth." - Tammy Bjelland
Last year when it was time to renew my teaching certificate, I went to the state department of education armed with 180+ hours of professional development certificates. In the state of Arizona, teachers and administrators must submit proof of completing 15 clock hours of professional development activities for each year of the certificate term. Teachers and leaders can earn the clock hours by attending conferences, taking courses, or participating in school/district professional development. The expectation is that educators at all levels continuously learn and improve to more effectively educate all students.
Education is career in which we are expected to continue to learn, which allows each of us to expand our knowledge and gain new skills and expertise.
The past school year forced us all to learn in real time, with little preparation, how to deliver effective instruction remotely during a heightened fear related to a pandemic. Over the past three months, many of us have experienced some form of change in our leadership role due to Covid-19. The teachers and teams I serve jumped from face-to-face learning to providing out-of-school learning almost overnight. We no longer met in person, but instead met virtually while managing the demands of home and work at the same time. During this time, we engaged in focused and timely professional learning. Our learning could definitely be described as exponential as we managed the changes and varied expectations.
Now that the school year is coming to a close, how do you plan to engage in continual learning? What actions will you take in preparation for next year as you reflect on your Spring and the continued needs of those you serve? What resources will you explore during the summer to continue to grow as a mathematics leader? In your quest to learn and support others, consider what NCSM has to offer.
At the end of the month, June 29-July 1, 2020, NCSM is offering the Summer Leadership Academy virtually. The 2020 academy, sponsored by CPM, is titled Mathematics Leaders: Agents of Change for ALL Learners. Vision. Influence. Action. The professional learning directors are hard at work building an interactive experience that allows opportunities for participants to fully engage and participate, despite not meeting face to face. Connect with other leaders as we explore the new Framework for Leadership in Mathematics Education and grow as mathematics leaders.
Are you preparing for the 2020-2021 school year? NCSM partnered with NCTM to publish a document, Moving Forward: Mathematics Learning in the Era of COVID-19 to provide some guidance about implications for mathematics teaching and learning for school leaders as they are planning for the 2020-2021 school year. You can view the document HERE and watch the NCSM website throughout the summer as new resources are provided.
Additionally, if you have resources to share, please send them to [email protected] so we can learn from each other as we tackle the 2020-2021 school year.
Another learning opportunity includes reading the latest position statement from NCSM titled, “Closing the Opportunity Gap: A Call for Detracking Mathematics”. Watch your email for information on upcoming events to hear from the Position Paper editor and others about possible actions to implement or additional strategies needed on your detracking journey.
As always, you can follow @mathedleaders on Twitter or Facebook to join the informal learning conversation as we grapple with the challenges of leading into a school year with lots of questions in the air about what it might look like.
We are tasked with leading and supporting teachers and teams who bring the joy of mathematics into their classrooms. With the challenges that 2020 has thrust upon us, our learning curve is essential to the growth of our students. NCSM has resources and events to support your summer and school year learning - and we look forward to learning with each of you along the way!
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
Spring NCSM Inspiration! now online for members
As the Inspiration! editors watching and listening to what’s happening all over this world, and seeing and hearing reactions from educators and parents about their new reality, we asked authors for articles to inspire and help us get ready. Are you prepared?

In this issue, NCSM provides ideas and resources to help you think about and plan for school during a pandemic.
Don’t miss this different issue of the NCSM Inspiration: Leading During a Pandemic.
Take a peek into the contents:
Bold Mathematics Leadership: Reflections on/Ideas for Leading During These Critical Times
- Continuing to lead… Even on an uncharted path. By Mona Toncheff
- Bold leadership in a time of crisis. By Connie S. Schrock
- Connection before Content—Mindfulness before Management. Social Emotional Learning and relationship-centered teaching are needed to survive and thrive in our pandemic situation. By Christina Lincoln-Moore
- Suddenly, It’s ALL Online: Teaching During a Pandemic. I don’t know how you felt those first few weeks of this COVID-19 teaching crisis, but I felt like they were the longest year ever! How one district adjusted to online teaching. By Kim Romain
- Some considerations for ensuring access and equity for students through virtual instruction. By Michael Greenlee
- Raspberry Pi STEM Projects. Using a $35 credit card-sized desktop computer to explore and create. By Larry Gilliam & Tim Hayden
- Mathematical Beauty in Strange Places. By Paul Gray, Jr.
Board Members at Work
- Summer Leadership Academy: Reflection from Madison, Wisconsin and Anticipation for Baltimore, Maryland. By Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera
- Lessons in Leadership: Learning from Our Past. A conversation with John Staley. By Bill Barnes
Empower Mathematics Leaders: Connect, Learn, and Honor
- Recent Resources. Regional Directors explore the newest NCSM publications and review the virtual conference.
- 2020 NCSM Virtual Conference: Connect. Collaborate. Commit. By Maria Everett
- Learnings from Leaders. As a leader in mathematics, fully describe ONE thing you are most proud of tackling, pushing forward, and accomplishing this school year. Leaders from Central 1, Western 1, and Eastern 1 answer.
- Don’t Forget to Register for NCSM Leadership Summit! By Connie S. Schrock
The NCSM Inspiration! is available to all members and can be found HERE along with the latest issue of the NCSM Journal.
From Sandie Gilliam, Gwen Zimmerman, and Kim Romain, NCSM Inspiration! co-editors
