The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
What's New at NCSM: Collective Call to Action
Join us for the Collective Call to Action's next book discussion and webinar (March - April, May) which will be facilitated by the California Mathematics Council-South (CMC-South). The readings and reflection questions provide a focus as you study, reflect, and contemplate the action(s) you will take as you continue your equity walk. Each month’s reading is now for two months followed by a webinar. We look forward to our year of learning together.
View the list of articles and books for the 2017-2018 learning and visit the MyNCTM community to join the online discussion forum.
Book: Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice: Conversations with Educators
Focus questions:
- How might teachers begin to teach mathematics for social justice? How might teacher educators begin to teach teachers how to teach mathematics for social justice?
- How might teaching mathematics for social justice "look like?"
- How can mathematics be re-envisioned as a means to create a more socially just world?
How can you students be a part of the 50th NCSM Annual Conference?

Matea Valley High School Freshman Margaa Raghu Teacher / NCSM Member Michelle Honeysett
As we celebrate 50 years of NCSM, we are reaching out to you to challenge your students to create a piece of art to commemorate NCSM’s 50th Anniversary. You could write problems that end in 50, create equations that would graph or end in 50, draw pictures or diagrams that relate to this in some way. Be as creative as possible.
We ask you to share this challenge with your students, teacher’s, coaches, principles, department chairs, everyone, because we want to showcase artwork from students, whether they are pre-K, through higher education, any and all are welcome. Leaders – we ask that you select 4-5 of the best pieces and send them to NCSM – PO Box 3406, Englewood, CO 80115. Please note that any pieces sent to NCSM become the property of NCSM and will not be returned.
Please include on the Math Art the student name, teacher name and school. We would like to have our Math Art be representative of NCSM’s entire membership. Please submit these works by April 1.
National Academies' Workshop Summary Report Released - Supporting Mathematics Teachers in the United States and Finland
The U.S. National Commission on Mathematics Instruction in collaboration with the University of Helsinki held a Workshop on Supporting Mathematics Teachers in the United States and Finland in 2016. The bilateral meeting of U.S. and Finnish mathematics educators was held August 1-2 at the University of Helsinki in Helsinki, Finland and was attended by 30 experts from both nations. The workshop was sponsored by Åbo Akademi University, Högskolestiftelsen i Österbotten, the National Science Foundation, and Svensk-Österbottniska samfundet.
The National Academies' Workshop Summary report is NOW available here (in PDF format for download). Videos of the workshop sessions, presentations (in PDF format for download), and background readings are ALSO available here.
TODOS: Mathematics for ALL, 2018 conference is June 21 - 23, 2018 in Scottsdale, AZ. The theme is It's ALL about ALL Students Learning Quality Mathematics: Advocating for Equity and Social Justice. Keynote speaker is Dr. Maria del Rosario Zavala. Registration information can be found HERE.
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Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Mona Toncheff is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Mona with news, feedback, or suggestions.
Message from the NCSM President, Connie Schrock
Preparing for NCSM's Annual Meeting: You Can Help
It does not seem possible that in a just over a month (38 days) we will open NCSM's 50th Annual Meeting. Our all-volunteer NCSM membership is working hard to make this a conference to remember. This annual meeting is different from any that has happened before in so many ways. Below are the highlights of what YOU CAN do to participate in the conference this year, even if you are not able to be there in person!
Students from all of the nine NCSM regions are providing the artwork for our decorations. Please involve students from your districts and schools. I believe that mathematics connects well to the arts and it is a great time to show what your students can do. You can find more information on our website and the left column of this eNews.
We have a day in the program where we are inviting Administrators to join us. Wednesday April 25th will have special sessions designed to increase awareness around mathematics and how to build a strong mathematics team. Leadership in mathematics is important at every level. You can invite an administrator to join us to learn more at the PRIMED Principal: Champions of Mathematics Series.
You can extend your professional learning by attending one of our Pre-conference sessions on Sunday, April 22. For more information, click HERE or read below.
We have some valuable sponsors that support our program in so many ways. These sponsors help us keep the registration costs as low as possible. You can visit their booths, look at their products, and ask questions. Each of you have the expertise to determine if the teachers and/or students in your districts could benefit. This year there are many new sponsors and some returning sponsors all in one place to help you in your search.
We are having NCSM: A Musical Tribute, created by Carole Greenes (NCSM President during our 35th Anniversary Celebration) and friends, to celebrate 50 years of service to the mathematical community. I cannot even imagine all the hours that they have put into rewriting the lyrics to favorite songs. You can join the chorus or simply come watch and enjoy. Contact Carole if you like to sing and want to join in on the fun.
You can make a 15-second or less video to congratulate NCSM and tell our other members what you remember, like, or learned from our organization. Just go to and follow the directions provided in the previous eNews.
Next, we have new publications. Every member attending the conference will receive a copy of the new monograph, Fifty Years of Leadership in Mathematics Education: Where Do We Go from Here? The authors will also entertain you with a special ignite session on Tuesday morning to give you a preview of their ideas. You can read the monograph and possibly attend their session. We also have two new position papers that will also be in the conference bag and I will provide more information on those soon. If you are unable to join us, you can purchase the monograph after the conference.
We have sold out of tickets for our 50th Celebration event off site at the National Geographic building. The entertainment at this event will be Under/Over 50 and I am sure you will hear great things. Maybe even see a clip or two. The gift that night will be a booklet with the historical update about NCSM. In addition, on Tuesday, you can purchase a copy at our bookstore. The NCSM bookstore will be hosting many autograph sessions where you can have publications signed.
This is the first year to have busses and multiple hotels that need transportation. You can help NCSM to keep future costs down by staying in our conference hotels. It is important that we meet the quotas required of us at each hotel. Washington D.C. is both an expensive location and a vibrant city with so many significant features. There is still time to make plans to join us.
You can do so much and NCSM will continue to work to support our leaders as we seek to inspire high quality mathematics teaching and learning every day for each and every learner.
Annual Conference Reminders
Housing Information
Rooms are still available for the conference. Act soon as conference rates are available for a limited time. Make your reservation at the Washington Hilton. Make your reservation at the Loews Madison Washington D.C., a Hilton Hotel or call in reservations, please dial 1-855-325-6397 and refer to code NSM 420.
Registration Information
Pre- Registration has been extended through March 30. Gather your colleagues and administrators and join NCSM as we celebrate 50 years of history and pave the way for the next 50 years.
Volunteers are the HEART of NCSM
VOL__NTEER - The only thing missing, is U! Volunteer to be part of the NCSM 50th Annual Conference. Sign up today!
NCSM Annual Pre-Conference Options
Are you planning on attending the 2018 NCSM Annual Conference? The pre-conferences are designed so that early arrivals can start their learning and networking right away. Sessions run from 1 pm to 4 pm on Sunday April 22nd, leaving you plenty of time to pick up registration materials and enjoy the sights in Washington DC later in the afternoon.
We are featuring two sessions, one focused on coaching and the other on equity and social justice. There’s something for everyone! Read more about the sessions here and register for the conference and the pre-conference here.
If you've ALREADY registered for the conference and would like to add a pre-conference session, click the button below.

SAVE THE DATE! NCSM Summer Leadership Academy, "Building Mathematics Leadership: Coaching"
Ready to make a real difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics? Do you realize that coaching is recognized as one of the most powerful ways to impact teacher growth and student learning?
If your district/school has a coaching program or is thinking about starting a coaching program; join NCSM and their Coaching Team for the NCSM Summer Leadership Academy at the Doubletree by Hilton Denver Tech Center in Greenwood Village, CO (Denver area) – July 30 to August 1, 2018.
Participants will be among the first to receive a copy of NCSM's new coaching book, NCSM: Themes and Imperatives for Coaching (working title).
More information will be available soon HERE. We are excited to be hosting this coaching theme for our Summer Leadership Academy. We hope you are, too, and that we will see you in Colorado at the end of July!
Call for Nominations
Thank you to all who took the time to participate in the 2017-18 elections and a special thank you to the members of the NCSM Nominations Committee. Nominations for 2018 NSCM available positions will close on May 15, 2018. The positions available for nominations this spring are:
- Second Vice President
- Regional Director, United States Central 1 (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio)
- Regional Director, United States Eastern 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Military AE: APO/FPO, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont)
- Regional Director, United States Southern 2 (Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas)
If you wish to make a nomination now, please be sure that your nominee is an eligible member who is interested in running. Members eligible to be placed in nomination must be in good standing as of 15 May one year prior to the nominations deadline. Please send your nomination(s) to the Nominations Chair, Steve Viktora, at [email protected] or [email protected] before the deadline.
