The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
What's New at NCSM:

We STILL NEED you to Volunteer!
WE NEED YOU! Sign up to volunteer at the conference. What a great way to meet new math friends and have fun! {Plus, you get an awesome t-shirt!]

Sign up HERE to find a way to lose yourself at the NCSM conference in San Diego during April 1-3. There are many different opportunities available.
We thank you in advance for checking out our volunteer opportunities!
Spring NCSM Newsletter Available Online...Check It Out!
This Spring issue is packed with information about the Annual Conference in San Diego, April 1-3, including Spotlight Speakers, conference meal tickets, and the Kay Gilliland Lecture Awardee.
You can access this current issue of the newsletter through our interactive flipbook format or in the traditional PDF version on our website.
Click HERE or on the image below to access the Spring 2019 Newsletter.

The Newsletter team hopes that you are enjoying our new flipbook features as we continue to roll them out. In this issue, you can jump directly to specific articles from the Table of Contents.
Plans for 2019 Fall Seminars Are Underway
The 2019 Fall Seminars will be in Nashville, Tennessee and Des Moines, Iowa in Fall 2019 with specific dates to be determined soon.
Watch for additional information on the Fall Seminars in future eNews issues.
NOTE: NCSM partners with local affiliates, professional organizations, and school districts to provide site-based professional learning events as well with presenters from NCSM. The intent of these sessions are professional learning through the lens of mathematics leaders.
For more information on how you can bring an NCSM site-based professional learning opportunity to your locale and for information on the fee structure, please contact Jackie Palmquist, NCSM Professional Learning Director.
Mathematics and Statistics ASSOCIATIONS SUMMIT - March 23 2019
Theme: Responding to the Opportunities and Challenges for the Future of Mathematics and Statistics Education
Hosted by PRIME
Location: Michigan State University, MSU College of Law Building
Keynote Speaker: Joan Ferrini-Mundy, President, University of Maine
Other Featured Speakers:
- Robert Q. Berry III (President, NCTM)
- Michael Dorff (President, MAA)
- Christine Franklin (K-12 Statistical Ambassador, ASA)
- James Ham (President, AMATYC)
- Randolph Phillip (Former President, AMTE)
- Connie Schrock (President, NCSM)
- Katherine Stevenson (Chair of Committee on Education, AMS)
Free regitration to attend the Summit on campus.
Summit will be live-streamed. For additional details, click HERE.
Register for the Summit HERE.
Subscribe to eNews
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's eNews. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
March 2019 Message from the NCSM President, Connie Schrock
Do You Know?
Do you know . . .
- It is not too late to plan to attend NCSM’s 51st Annual Meeting in San Diego. We accept onsite registrations.
- Conference details and logistics are available by clicking HERE.
- The complete program is posted on our website. Your decision on what to attend each session will be a difficult one with all of the informative options.
- The conference program is available HERE.
- NCSM is releasing the first two books in our series, NCSM Essential Actions for special prices onsite at the conference.
- NCSM Essential Actions: Coaching in Mathematics Education
- NCSM Essential Actions: Instructional Leadership in Mathematics Education
- Each conference bag will contain the Executive Summary for the third book in the series, NCSM Essential Actions: Framework for Leadership in Mathematics Education which has a planned release date of April 2020.
- There are two preconference sessions on Sunday, March 31 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. You can attend even if you are unable to be at the annual meeting:
- "NCSM Essential Actions for Mathematics Coaching" (and be one of the first to receive the coaching book)
- "Practical Leadership: How to Leverage Learning Science to Achieve Equity"
- Every person attending will receive a copy of our newest monograph, Acknowledging Our Role in the Education Debt Working to Transform School Mathematics for Learners of Color.
- There is a lunch meal break in the program on Monday for the first time.
- The Monday lunch ticketed program is going to be an Ignite session about Bold Leadership with speakers recommended by our members. If you do not have a ticket you will be allowed to attend the Ignite session after the meal is served and as space permits. Watch for a tweet to find out who you will have the opportunity to hear.
- Tuesday has special Administrator Leadership Strand. Administrators can choose to attend a special kick-off in the morning with highlighted sessions throughout the day.
- Every booth has been booked for our exhibition area. You will be able to see new materials and talk about options for your realm of influence.
- And finally...It won’t be snowing in San Diego! Spring will have arrived there already.
From Connie Schrock, NCSM president
NCSM Summer Leadership Academy 2019: Empower Coaches and Teacher Leaders as Agents of Change for ALL Learners
The 2019 Summer Leadership Academy will be held in Madison Wisconsin on July 22-24, 2019. We will continue with our theme, Building Leadership: Leveraging Coaching.
Join NCSM and their coaching leaders for the NCSM Leadership Summer Leadership Academy Madison, Wisconsin, July 22-24, 2019.
Equip your mathematics leaders to develop a shared vision for mathematics instruction, utilize high quality coaching, leverage powerful teaching strategies and monitor student learning to ensure learning for all.
To meet the vision of all students learning mathematics at high levels, understanding how to lead strong mathematics coaching program is key. Join us this summer to
- Develop a shared vision for mathematics instruction through the lens of Equity
- Utilize strategies to ensure a sustainable, systematic, equitable, high quality coaching
- Learn to leverage powerful teaching strategies
- Use the Plan, Do, Study Act cycle to ensure learning for all
If you lead as a teacher, coach, coach of coaches, curricular team lead, administrator, and professors of teacher leaders, this is the professional learning for you.
Bring your team, build your professional learning network working side by side using the wealth of materials provided to develop a strategic plan personalized to your coaching.
Registration includes the following resources:
- NCSM Essential Actions: Coaching in Mathematics Education (Release April 2019)
- NCSM Essential Actions: Instructional Leadership in Mathematics Education (Release April 2019)
- Everything you need for mathematics coaching: Tools, plans, and a process that works for any instructional leader, grades K-12. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin
Presenters will be Mona Toncheff, Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera.
Registration and Conference Hotel information will be available shortly.
From Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
Election News! Nominations Opening Soon
Nominations for available 2019 NCSM elected positions will open at the end of the annual meeting and will close on May 15, 2019
The positions available for nominations this spring are:
- President Elect
- Second Vice President
- Regional Director, Central 2 (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin)
- Regional Director, Eastern 2 (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia)
- Regional Director, Western 2 (California, Far West: American Samoa, Federated States (Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Island, Palau Islands), Hawaii, Military AP: AFO/FPO, Oregon, Washington)
If you wish to make a nomination when it opens at the end of the annual conference (April 3, 2019), please be sure that your nominee is an eligible member who is interested in running. Members eligible to be placed in nomination must be in good standing as of the 15th of May one year prior to the nominations deadline.
Look for the call for nominations email at the close of the annual conference. More information on how to submit your nominations will be available then.
From Steve Viktora, NCSM Nominations Chair