The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
What's New at NCSM: Call for Nominations Ends Today!
Nominations for 2018 NSCM available positions will close later today, May 15, 2018. The positions available for nominations can be found HERE and more information about the nomination process can be found HERE.
What's New at NCSM: Collective Call to Action
Join us for the Collective Call to Action's next book discussion and webinar (May - June) which will be facilitated by TODOS: Mathematics for ALL.
The readings and reflection questions provide a focus as you study, reflect, and contemplate the action(s) you will take as you continue your equity walk. Each month’s reading is now for two months followed by a webinar. We look forward to our year of learning together.
View the list of articles and books for the 2018-2019 learning and visit the MyNCTM community to join the online discussion forum.
The focused article is in TEEM 7 - Teaching Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, Special Issue: Mathematics Education Through the Lens of Social Justice: Chao & Jones (2016). That's not fair and why: Developing social justice activists in PreK, pp. 15-21. Available online HERE.
Focus questions:
- How do we change the paradigm of what mathematics is and how it should be learned from its current institutional form to one that utilizes the mathematics of people and their communities and ties mathematics to the world?
- Which of the examples of social justice and mathematics tasks enacted with students that were written about in this journal most resonates with you? Why?
The TODOS: Mathematics for ALL, 2018 conference is June 21 - 23, 2018 in Scottsdale, AZ. The theme is It's ALL about ALL Students Learning Quality Mathematics: Advocating for Equity and Social Justice. Keynote speaker is Dr. Maria del Rosario Zavala. Registration information can be found HERE.
Statistics Workshop Registration Open for MWM
The Meeting Within a Meeting (MWM) Statistics Workshop for Middle and High School Mathematics and Science Teachers/Supervisors will take place at JSM on July 31–August 1, 2018. The workshop is offered by the American Statistical Association (ASA)/National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Joint Committee on Curriculum in Statistics and Probability in conjunction with the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) 2018 in Vancouver, BC, Canada, though registration for JSM is not required.
MWM will strengthen understanding of statistics and provide hands-on classroom activities aligned with NCTM standards, Western and Northern Canadian Protocol (WNCP) Curriculum, Common Core State Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards. Optional graduate credit is available.The MWM program is posted online.
Registration is just $50, and the ASA will refund $25 to the first 30 teachers/supervisors who register and attend. Teacher educators and pre-service teachers are also welcome. Registration will be open until July 16 or until the course fills, but a limited number of scholarships and reimbursements are available, so act quickly and register soon!
Learn more and register HERE.
Webinar opportunity from the EDC: Findings from the National Survey on Supporting Struggling Mathematics Learners at the Middle Grades
Attend a free webinar to learn about the results of Education Development Center's (EDC) national survey of over 860 public schools about their approaches to providing mathematics intervention in grades 6-8. Learn about schools’ varied approaches to staffing, scheduling, structures, and content for mathematics intervention classes. Delve into common challenges, learn about recommendations from the field, and consider implications for your role, school and district.
Presenters: Amy Brodesky, Emily Fagan, and Jackie Zweig, Education Development Center (EDC)
Date: Thursday, May 31 Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm Eastern Time Cost: Free! Registration is required.
Register HERE.
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All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's eNews. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
Message from the NCSM President, Connie Schrock
The Next 50 years of NCSM
Thank you to everyone who contributed NCSM’s 50th Annual Meeting. Our celebration of over 2100 attendees was outstanding. What fun we had!
Many people made this an epic celebration:
- Our program chair, Kimberly Morrow Leong for such an exciting program
- Our conference coordinator, Sara Delano Moore for a well-organized event
- The conference committee for helping to keep things running smoothly
- The program committee that reviewed and selected sessions
- Our speakers from all corners of our organization
- Our volunteers who kept us moving forward and contributed throughout the conference
- All who sent a 50th anniversary congratulations message
- Our sponsors who share and support our work
- The NCSM board members that work all year and during the conference
- Our attendees who contributed to discussions that added value to the sessions
- Our NCSM office staff for taking care of all the details
- The authors of our monograph for a great memento for the NCSM 50th Anniversary event
- All the singers and composers involved in the NCSM Musical
- Contributors to the history booklet and position papers
- Everyone that tweeted and posted about this celebration
If you were unable to join us this year, search on twitter with the hashtag #NCSM18 to find out what was being said about the conference. There are videos from this year’s conference on NCSM's YouTube website for you to view and soon others will be available on our website as well. Also, look for notice soon on our NCSM website on how to purchase the 50th Anniversay Monograph.
I would encourage to you to start making plans to be a part of the 51st Annual meeting next year in San Diego where we will be Making Waves with Effective Mathematics Education Leadership.
We would love to have you participate by:
- Submitting a conference session proposal HERE;
- Volunteering to review proposals HERE; or by emailing Bill Barnes, the First Vice President
- Making plans to attend, April 1 – 3, 2018; or
- Remembering to volunteer to help at the conference
Finally, a request, “Where do we start for the next 50 years?” The NCSM board is meeting at the end of June to discuss and set our course for the next year. Consider the following questions:
- What will help you in your work?
- Is there a position paper that can support what you do?
- What about themes and/or content for leadership events?
- Is there a speaker you would like to hear next year in San Diego?
- Or, is there some other idea you have for our organization?
You can let us know your thoughts by posting on this new padlet. Access the padlet HERE.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions. We are looking forward to our next 50 years!
Needed: Your Feedback for the 50th Annual Conference
Thank you for attending the 50th NCSM Annual Conference in Washington, DC. We rely on your feedback about the conference to help in planning for future conferences.
Please take a few moments to complete the conference survey at HERE.
This will help us plan for the 2019 San Diego conference as well as for future events.
Call for Proposals for the 51st NCSM Annual Conference
It's Time! NCSM is accepting proposal for the 51st Annual Conference in San Diego, California from April 1-3, 2019. The conference theme is Making Waves with Effective Mathematics Leadership.
Please consider submitting a proposal to speak AND reaching out to those that look to you for leadership to encourage them to do so as well. Many of us needed the support and guidance to take that big step to speak on a national stage. Be that inspiration for someone that you lead!
Learn more and access the submission link HERE or by using the QR code below for a direct link to the proposal system:
NCSM Affiliate Groups are Growing!
We were very excited to officially welcome and give charters to five new affiliates at our 50th Annual Conference. Joining our 32 established affiliate groups are:
- Colorado Math Leaders (CML), President Jacqueline Weber and NCSM Representative Kelly Shank
- Mississippi Mathematics Specialists Network (MMSN), President and NCSM Representative Alice Steimle, Website
- Nevada Mathematics Education Leadership Council (N-MELC), President Dave Brancamp and NCSM Representative Denise Trakas
- New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics (NHTM), President and NCSM Representative Anne Wallace, Website
- North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM), President Julia Kolb and NCSM Representative Debbie Crocker, Website
We welcome these new affiliates to the NCSM family. If you are part of a mathematics leadership group and are interested in finding out more about becoming an affiliate, please contact Nanci Smith, Affiliate Groups Chair.
And a friendly reminder that many affiliates were due to renew their status as of March 30th … Have you renewed?
Time to Register for the NCSM Summer Leadership Academy, "Building Mathematics Leadership: Coaching"
Are you ready to make a real difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics? Do you realize that coaching is recognized as one of the most powerful ways to impact teacher growth and student learning?
If your district/school has a coaching program or is thinking about starting a coaching program; join NCSM and their Coaching Team for the NCSM Summer Leadership Academy at the Doubletree by Hilton Denver Tech Center in Greenwood Village, CO (Denver area) – July 30 to August 1, 2018.
During the academy, participants will learn about:
- Improving your own leadership as a coach and/or as a coach of leaders;Using research-based resources for coaching;
- Working with teachers to establish positive, productive, and collaborative relationships;
- Engaging teachers in reflection about teaching and learning;
- Supporting the change process to encourage a culture of life-long learning;
- Developing a strategic plan to support own and/or district goals for coaching.
More information and registration is available HERE. We are excited to be hosting this coaching theme for our Summer Leadership Academy. We hope you are, too, and that we will see you in Colorado at the end of July!