The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
What's New at NCSM: Collective Call to Action
As we continue the Collective Call to Action this year, the November-December's focus questions include:
- What are equitable instructional practices that support the development of students' mathematical identity and sense of agency?
- How can we advocate for the implementation of these practices?
Look for updates via email soon regarding the January webinar and view the list of articles and books for the 2017-2018 learning.
The readings and reflection questions provide a focus as you study, reflect, and contemplate the action(s) you will take as you continue your equity walk. Each month’s reading is now for two months followed by a webinar. We look forward to our year of learning together.
Updates: 50th NCSM Annual Conference
Through the generosity of our sponsors, we are able to offer several meal functions during the conference. Tickets to each function are limited, based on sponsor participation and are available on a first-come, first-served basis in the order your conference registration is received. In past years, conference attendees requested meal tickets during the conference registration process.
We are using a new process to distribute meal tickets for the 2018 conference. You will receive an email in February or March 2018 inviting you to select tickets for the functions you wish to attend. The earlier you register, the earlier your email will come. If you do not receive a ticket for an event, check the program book at the conference for details on waiting-line procedures.
Please request tickets only to the functions you will attend. If your plans change on-site and you have a ticket you are unable to use, please return it to the on-site registration booth as soon as possible so that we can accommodate others who would like to attend. We appreciate your cooperation in helping these functions run smoothly.
NCSM Web Highlights

Looking for resources when providing professional learning on formative assessments? NCSM partnered with AMTE to create professional development modules that assist leaders in "jump starting" formative assessment, K-16. The collection contains an overview and modules, each highlighting one aspect of formative assessment with PowerPoints, Leaders' Notes, and handouts as needed.
#NCSM50 Memories
As NCSM is gearing up to celebrate 50 years of memories, we are hoping to hear from you and see your memories. Share your favorite memories on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using #NCSM50 and yours may be selected and highlighted at the conference and beyond!
NCSM eNews Contest
Want a chance to win a free year of NCSM membership (new or renewal)? The first 20 people who email Mona two pieces of information regarding the upcoming 50th NCSM Annual Conference shared in the November eNews will be entered into a drawing for a year membership or renewal. Good luck!
Subscribe to eNews
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's eNews. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Mona Toncheff is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Mona with news, feedback, or suggestions.
Message from the NCSM President, Connie Schrock
Continuing Our Vision
Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.
- Ghandi
Our values become our destiny, and so it was with great care, reflection, and honesty that the board of NCSM continued in October what began in June – the review, discussion, and revision of our value statements. At the fall board meeting we completed that important work. Updating our values was inevitable and a natural consequence of rewriting our Vision and Mission statements. We could not stop at just those two. Where we are headed and what we will do to get there is shaped by who we believe we are. Our work must reflect the values we want to see in our organization so that our vision can be achieved.
High quality leadership is vital to this vision. NCSM is committed to:
Developing and Informing Vision
- Provide leadership to influence issues and policies affecting mathematics education in ways consistent with the mission and vision of NCSM;
- Equip leaders to be critical consumers of educational information, research, and policy to become change agents in their communities;
- Support leaders to develop an actionable vision of mathematics instruction consistent with a view of mathematics as a sense-making endeavor.
Ensuring Support to All Stakeholders
- Develop networking and communication opportunities that connect the mathematics education community, as well as the broader education community;
- Equip leaders with the tools to create and sustain systems that fully align with the vision of mathematics and mathematics instruction promoted by NCSM;
- Equip leaders with the understanding, knowledge, and skills to continue their own personal growth, support emerging leaders, and further develop excellence in mathematics teaching.
Guaranteeing All Students Engage in Equitable, High-Quality Mathematical Experiences
- Provide advocacy and support regarding issues and policies affecting mathematics education in ways consistent with the mission and vision of NCSM;
- Provide resources for implementation of research-informed instruction to ensure students engage in relevant and meaningful learning experiences that promote mathematics as a sense-making endeavor;
- Advocate for each and every student to have access to rigorous mathematics that develops their understanding, skills, and knowledge, along with the confidence to leverage their learning, in order to improve their world.
These statements are key as we look forward to the opportunities NCSM has to serve our members and guide mathematics education into the future. They are the values that will become our destiny.
Mathematics Leadership in a Time of Change: Building Leaders at all Levels
The time is nearing! Register now for the NCSM Fall Seminar to be held on November 29, 2017 in Chicago, IL at the Chicago Symphony Center, 220 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60604. The seminar will run from 8:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. with breakfast and registration beginning at 7:15 a.m. Lunch will also be on-site and part of the seminar.
The seminar will focus on Using Equity & Social Justice to Build Mathematics Leadership, and participants will be provided with opportunities for professional learning, planning and networking for all grade levels.
Leadership for equity require action to remove barriers and provide all students access to rigorous meaningful curriculum taught by highly effective teachers. Toward this end, mathematics education leaders must have clear, shared vision of mathematics teaching and learning that embraces high achievement for all students. The leader must recognize and support beliefs and mindsets of adults and students such that each and every student has opportunities and support to learn mathematics.
Featured speakers, Nora Ramirez, Linda Fulmore, and Connie Schrock, will provoke thinking, discussion, and action for participants to bring back to lead local professional learning on equity and social justice in mathematics.
Participants will be learning together during this seven hour seminar for mathematics teachers, teacher leaders, coaches, consultants, professional developers, department chairs and district leaders of mathematics programs. Participants will also strategically plan to bring back action to their local districts supported by ready-to-use resources.
Register now for this exciting and important seminar as we learn together how to lead for equity and social justice in mathematics. Additional information and registration may be found HERE. Online registration closes November 24, 2017. Onsite registration will be available the day of the seminar.
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago on November 29th at the beautiful Chicago Symphony Center!

NCSM Awards and Grants
Iris Carl Travel Grants
Do you serve in a mathematics education leadership role? The 50th Annual NCSM Conference will take place in Washington, DC in April 2018. If you are a current NCSM member (as of Sept. 1, 2017), and have not had the opportunity to attend this outstanding conference focused on cutting edge topics in mathematics education in the past three years, please visit HERE to apply for an Iris Carl Travel Grant. The deadline is December 1, 2017.
Decorations for NCSM’s 50th Celebration
As we celebrate 50 years of NCSM, we are reaching out to you to challenge your students to create a piece of art to commemorate NCSM’s 50th Anniversary. You could write problems that end in 50, create equations that would graph or end in 50, draw pictures or diagrams that relate to this in some way. Be as creative as possible.
The rules are simple:
- The piece of math art should be either 50th related, or NCSM related, or any combination thereof.
- No bigger than 15” x 20” and not smaller than 8.5” x 11”
We ask you to share this challenge with your students, teacher’s, coaches, principles, department chairs, everyone, because we want to showcase artwork from students, whether they are pre-K, through higher education, any and all are welcome. Leaders – we ask that you select 4-5 of the best pieces and send them to NCSM – PO Box 3406, Englewood, CO 80115. Please note that any pieces sent to NCSM become the property of NCSM and will not be returned.
Please include on the Math Art the student name, teacher name and school. We would like to have our Math Art be representative of NCSM’s entire membership. Please submit these works soon and definitely before February 1, 2018.
