The NCSM INSIDER is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this to a colleague—let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
NCSM...Where Mathematics Leaders Go To Learn

Applications for the Iris Carl Travel Grant due on December 1, 2019.

Iris Carl
Do you serve in a mathematics education leadership role? The 2020 Annual NCSM Conference will take place in Chicago, Illinois starting on March 30.
If you are a current NCSM member (as of November 1, 2019), and have not had the opportunity to attend this outstanding conference focused on cutting edge topics in mathematics education in the past three years, please visit HERE to apply for an Iris Carl Travel Grant.
Note that the deadline for submission is December 1, 2019.
From Samantha Wuttig, Awards Chair
Did you know...our NCSM Fall Seminar in Des Moines, Iowa was...

Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm for our coaching professional learning opportunities.
If you are interested in this topic, see the Pre-Conference Session information below for another leadership learning opportunity with a coaching focus.
From Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera, NCSM Professional Learning Co-Directors
Pre-Conference Sessions Information

There are two Pre-Conference sessions scheduled for Sunday, March 29, 2020. Both sessions will run from 1:00pm-5:00pm.
Pre-Conference Session 1:
Empower Teacher Leaders as Agents of Change for ALL - Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera
Attention BOLD math leaders, teacher leaders and coaches! As leaders we are called upon to be agents of change for teachers, teams, schools, districts and provinces to develop and activate a vision for math instruction. Join us as we lead you through developing a vision for math instruction aligned to the math teaching practices and 8 shifts for math instruction. Learn how to create a culture for coaching and practice the art of coaching conversations that impact teaching and learning. And lastly, learn the critical elements of coaching individuals and teams. If you are a coach or teacher leader, this pre-conference session with help you to understand the foundational elements of being a BOLD mathematics leader through the NCSM Essential Actions framework and coaching essential actions. You won't want to miss this great afternoon of learning and networking with other math leaders!
Pre-Conference Session 2:
NCSM Essential Actions for Site-based Leaders - Bill Barnes, Erin Lehman, Sharon Rendon Denise Trakas, and Gwen Zimmermann
Come join in this session with site-based leaders, including school administrators, mathematics coaches, and content leaders, to engage in strategies for developing an exemplary mathematics teaching and learning program. Explore tools for analyzing strengths and opportunities for improvement. Practice using protocols for goal setting and developing research-affirmed strategies for improved student learning. NCSM Essential Actions: Instructional Leadership in Mathematics Education serves as the focus tool for this session.
Please click HERE for additional information about the 2020 Conference. Registration for the Pre-Conference Sessions can be found with the ONLINE REGISTRATION link.
We will see you in Chicago!
Keep an Eye Out for the NCSM Winter Newsletter ...Coming Soon to Your Inbox!
Here are some teasers for what will be included in the Winter Newsletter:
Bold Mathematics Leadership: Reflection
- How do we live our values? How close is your vision of equitable instruction to your reality? By Mona Toncheff
- Tweeting and blogging with Marilyn Burns: Oh, the Places We’ll Go! Marilyn shares videos and explains her classroom decisions, now in a blog and with Twitter. By Sandie Gilliam & Marilyn Burns
- @mathedleaders. NCSM tweets. By Steven Shadel
- NCSM Essential Actions for Principals and Building Leaders. One example from our pivotal resource. By Gwen Zimmermann
Board Members at Work
Should All Roads Lead to College Algebra? Calculus? The calls for change are getting louder and more desperate. The problems are becoming more complex with two key questions being what do we teach and at what level of rigor? How did we get here? By Connie S. Schrock
Reflections on NCSM Annual Conferences: Past & Future. NCSM Regional Directors (and some regional leaders) explain the best conference moments and what to look for in 2020.
Lessons in Mathematics Leadership – Learning from Our Past. Steve Leinwand, NCSM President (1994–1996), is interviewed. By Bill Barnes
Newsletter Versus eNews: Which Tells You What? By Sandie Gilliam & Pat Baltzley
Name the NCSM Newsletter Winner!
Empower Mathematics Leaders: Connect, Learn, and Honor
Join us for the 52nd NCSM Annual Conference in Chicago! Connect. Collaborate. Commit. Upcoming conference news! By Maria Everett
Volunteer Now to Help with our 2020 NCSM Annual Conference in Chicago. By Shawn Towle
Learnings from Leaders: As a leader in mathematics, in what ways do you encourage others to learn more, seek out staff development opportunities, attend conferences, and be a life-long learner? Leaders from Eastern 2, Southern 2, and Central 2 answer.
Click HERE to access the current NCSM Newsletter.
From Sandie Gilliam, NCSM Newsletter Editor
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's eNews. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.

November 2019 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff
The Importance of Connections
Communication is an important tool as a mathematics leader. I remember spending extra time crafting emails when I first started communicating with 225+ mathematics teachers. As a district mathematics director, the messages had to be clear and concise. I would spend time reading and rereading each email for tone, grammar, and meaning to make sure the purpose of the communication was understood by the reader. The more my messages were clear and concise and included the “why” behind our work, the better it was for the teachers and leaders I served.
NCSM is striving to be clear and concise with our communication. The communication team has been hard a work clarifying the purpose of our communication tools and determining how to best connect and share resources and latest research with the mathematics leadership community. Currently, we use our quarterly newsletter, monthly eNews and weekly emails to share up-to-date resources and events within the mathematics leadership community.
To clarify our quarterly and monthly communication tools, we have updated the name of each to better represent its purpose. The monthly eNews you are reading is now titled the NCSM Insider. The NCSM Newsletter that comes out quarterly is now called Inspiration! and will be shared in December. The table below describes the purpose of each communication tool and shares why you will want to dig into each one.
NCSM Insider
Monthly eNews
Inspiration! Bold Mathematics Leadership in Education
Quarterly Newsletter
- Monthly updates from the President
- Monthly updates of NCSM events
- Latest news from partner and affiliate associations
- Celebrations and items worthy of sharing
- A column from the President, Past President or President Elect’.
- Thought-provoking articles from well-known mathematics leaders.
- Explorations of current issues in mathematics education.
- Timely, in-depth, research-informed information, resources, best practices, etc. for leaders in mathematics education
Thank you to Joe May (St. Paul, MN) and Becky Angus (Chicago, IL) for their creativity in naming our monthly and quarterly communications. They both received a complimentary NCSM membership for their winning names – Congratulations!
On behalf of our communications team, we look forward to continuing our efforts aimed at providing the best resources for mathematics leaders to ensure better learning for every student that you have come to expect from NCSM. Have a fantastic month as we prepare for the end of 2019! And don’t forget to look for the first Inspiration! next month.
The president’s message is also posted on the President Blog.
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
NCSM Board of Directors 2020 Election Results are Announced!
NCSM 2020 election results for the organization's board of directors were announced earlier this month. The terms of the newly elected board members will begin at the end of the March/April 2020 NCSM Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.
Election results for the NCSM Board of Directors are as follows:
President Elect Second Vice-President

Paul Gray Sharon Rendon
Regional Director, Central 2 (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin)
Astrid Fossum
Regional Director, Eastern 2 (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia)

John SanGiovanni
Regional Director, Western 2 (California, Far West: American Samoa, Federated States (Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Island, Palau Islands), Hawaii, Military AP: AFO/FPO, Oregon, Washington)
Rosa Serratore
From Donna Leak, NCSM Nominations Chair
We Want YOU as a Volunteer at the NCSM Annual Conference!

Volunteering at the annual conference is an excellent way to meet other mathematics leaders from across the country and to expand your professional networks. Some of my very best math leader friends were people I met through volunteer shifts at our annual conferences. Volunteering is a great way to get involved directly in the work of your organization.
We need you!
A variety of opportunities are available for you to volunteer during the conference – choose at least one area that is of interest – maybe helping with bag stuffing Sunday morning, or assisting members at registration, or assisting non-members with their free one-year membership, or ticket-taking for meal functions and receptions.
Whatever your reason to volunteer, please consider helping your organization at the 52nd Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, March 30-April 1, 2020.
This year we are excited to provide our volunteers with “Connect. Collaborate. Commit. Moving Mathematics Leadership into the New Decade” T-shirts created to honor their service. Wear them while volunteering at the conference and take them home to remember the new connections you make in Chicago.
We encourage everyone interested in volunteering at the conference to go online and sign-up. You can volunteer directly by clicking HERE. Thanks in advance!
What a great way to meet new mathematics friends and help out. We love our volunteers!
For additional information, contact Shawn Towle [[email protected]].
From Shawn Towle, 2nd Vice President
By the Way...Have You Registered Yet for the NCSM 2020 Annual Conference in Chicago in March? Put it on Your TO DO List Now!
The 52nd NCSM Annual Conference will be held in Chicago, IL on March 30-April 1, 2020. The conference focuses on answering the question, “What are the essential actions for all mathematics leaders?”
Online registration is now open for the conference. Information about conference fees can be found HERE.
Regular Rate: 10/26/19 - 3/6/19 Onsite Rate: 3/28/19 - 4/1/19
Click HERE to register for the conference.
Hotel Reservations are now available online as well. The host hotel for NCSM 52nd Annual Conference is the Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E. Wacker, Chicago, IL 60601.
More information about the hotel and their rates can be found HERE.
You can make your reservations HERE for rooms at the Chicago Hyatt Regency.
Please click HERE for additional information about the 2020 Conference. Stay tuned for spotlights on the incredible program!
From Ruth Harbin Miles, Conference Coordinator and Maria Everett, 1st Vice President
For Our Mathematics Leaders Information...
Current course sequences create barriers to opportunity for large number of students and include difficult but obsolete topics that are not relevant to many students' aspirations.
Math educators Phil Daro and Harold Asturias synthesize the latest thinking about how to design high school pathways for equity and discuss next steps for K-12 and post-secondary institutions as well as researchers in a new report, Branching Out: Designing High School Math Pathways for Equity.
It is now available by clicking HERE.
