The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
NCSM...Where Mathematics Leaders Go To Learn

Hey, you! Look for a contest to enter further in this eNews...!
Online Registration for the NCSM Fall Seminar in Nashville closes on September 25, 2019...Register Now!

Registration: Click HERE to register for the Nashville Seminar on October 2, 2019
Location: Omni Nashville Hotel, 250 5th Avenue S, Nashville (Click HERE for more information on booking a room.)
Logistics: Registration and Breakfast, 7:00-8:00am; Start and End Time, 8:00am-3:30pm, Lunch included.
Early Bird Registration for the NCSM Fall Seminar in Des Moines closes on October 25, 2019...Register Now!

Registration: Click HERE to register for the Des Moines Seminar on November 18, 2019
Location: Huxley Learning Center, 1551 Highway 210, Huxley, IA. (Click HERE for more information on booking a room.)
Logistics: Registration and Breakfast, 8:15-9:00am; Start and End Time, 9:00am-3:30pm, Lunch included.
From Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera, NCSM Professional Learning Co-Directors
Nominations for the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award close on October 1, 2019

Kay Gilliland
Kay Gilliland gave her time, energy, services and skills to work for equity in mathematics education for all students, especially low-income, black, Latino, and indigenous peoples.
Each year NCSM honors her legacy by presenting a person of like mind and work ethic with the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award. The awardee will be invited to present their lecture at the 2020 Annual NCSM conference in Chicago, Illinois at the end of March.
Please consider nominating a colleague. You can begin the process by clicking HERE and completing the form.
You can find more information about this award HERE.
Note that nominations are open through October 1, 2019.
Check out the Deadline Dates for Nominations and Submissions for Other NCSM Awards and Grants
Ross Taylor / Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award

Colleagues across the nation are engaging in significant work to further ideas and passion regarding mathematics leadership and education.
Please consider nominating a person you know who has made significant and describable contributions to the field through a dedication and concern for his/her fellow mathematics educators. This person should demonstrate a clear knowledge of mathematics education as well as contributing to the furthering of the stated purposes of NCSM: the interchange of ideas, cooperation with other professional organizations, and leadership in attacking current problems in mathematics curriculum and supervision.
You can begin the process by clicking HERE and completing the form.
You can find more information about this award, the nomination process and the nominee criteria HERE.
Note that nominations are open through November 1, 2019.
Teacher-Leaders Professional Grant (PreK-12)
The purpose of this grant is to provide professional learning assistance for mathematics teachers and mathematics teacher-leaders.
For 2019-20, a grant of a maximum of $4,000 will be awarded to an elementary, middle or secondary school. The professional learning is for mathematics teacher-leaders and/or mathematics teachers within a school or district. Professional learning must focus on one of NCSM’s signature initiatives, Formative Assessment, Digital Learning or Access-Equity-Empowerment.
Please visit HERE to apply for a Teacher-Leaders Professional Learning Grant.
Applications are open now and will remain open until November 1, 2019.
Iris Carl Travel Grant

Iris Carl
Do you serve in a mathematics education leadership role? The 2020 Annual NCSM Conference will take place in Chicago, Illinois starting on March 30.
If you are a current NCSM member (as of November 1, 2019), and have not had the opportunity to attend this outstanding conference focused on cutting edge topics in mathematics education in the past three years, please visit HERE to apply for an Iris Carl Travel Grant.
Note that the deadline for submission is December 1, 2019.
From Samantha Wuttig, Awards Chair
Keep an Eye Out for the NCSM Fall Newsletter...Coming Soon to Your Inbox!
(And see the article in the right column of this eNews for a CONTEST ALERT!)
Here are some teasers for what will be included in the Fall Newsletter:
- WHAT IS OUR PROMISE TO EVERY STUDENT? Advocate and expect high-quality, equitable mathematics teaching and learning. By Mona Toncheff
- BUILDING BRIDGES FROM HIGH SCHOOL TO COLLEGE MATHEMATICS. Navigating this transition was the focus of 2019 Forum High School to College Mathematics Pathways: Preparing Students for the Future. By David M. Bressoud
- HOW DO WE CHANGE THE NARRATIVE ABOUT MATHEMATICS? Wonderings from The Report on the National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education are explored. By Connie Schrock
NCSM Regional Directors probe the coaching and leadership books in the series.
- AFFILIATES ANSWER: COMMUNICATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. Ways that affiliates reach out to and communicate with other mathematics organizations in their state are shared. By Nanci Smith
- FINALLY! IT’S NOW EASIER THAN EVER TO AUGMENT TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH AUGMENTED REALITY. Explore Apps that can transform the way students learn. By Charlene Chausis
- FRAMEWORK FOR LEADERSHIP IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION. Download a copy of the executive summary.
- EMPOWER COACHES AND TEACHER LEADERS AS AGENTS OF CHANGE FOR ALL LEARNERS. Experiences and materials used in the Summer Leadership Academy. By Jacqueline Palmquist
- CONNECT. COLLABORATE. COMMIT. Pre-plan for the 2020 annual conference in Chicago. By Maria Everett
- LET’S CONTINUE MAKING WAVES: A JOURNEY INTO BOLD LEADERSHIP. How the conference keynote inspired one leader to read further, reflect more, and apply the information. By Julianna Tapper
From Sandie Gilliam, NCSM Newsletter Editor
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's eNews. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
eNews Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
September 2019 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff
Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.
-John Maxwell
When I was a brand-new leader, I was honored to have several mentors that provided me with guidance and support. Some were my cheerleaders; some were my sounding boards; some were my tone-checkers on difficult emails that needed to be sent; and all were models that I aspired to become. When reflecting on the leadership qualities of my mentors, it is evident to me now that one of their shared characteristics was their ability to empower those they served.
As an example, as a new leader, I was nervous to present to other adults. Though I was fine presenting to 100+ students, my nervousness rose in a room of my peers. Thankfully, after my first year as mathematics specialist, I became more comfortable in my skin when working and presenting to teachers. However, I still struggled with presenting to principals or other leaders. Two of my mentors had the insight to push me to present at national conferences. At the time, I had no idea that their action was empowerment. They were empowering me to make my voice heard and share my leadership story.
Empower is one of the guiding principles from the NCSM Essential Actions: Leadership in Mathematics Education framework (NCSM, 2020). Below are the three imperatives aligned to this guiding principle.

How will you empower those you serve this year? Share your story of empowerment on social media using #NCSMlead, #NCSMbold, or #NCSMcoach.
Together, we can empower a community of mathematics leaders.
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
Voting in the 2020 NCSM Election Starts September 15th and runs through Midnight, October 15th.
Instructions for online voting are on postcards mailed to all current members at the end of last week.
Voting will begin online on September 15th and will continue until midnight, October 15th.
Meet our candidates
The open positions for the 2020 NCSM Election are: President Elect, Second Vice President and Regional Directors for Central Region 2, Eastern Region 2, and Western Region 2.
President Elect

Paul Gray Steve Viktora
Second Vice President

Susan Chapman Sharon Rendon
Regional Director Central 2

Astrid Fossum Sara Frisbie
Regional Director Eastern 2

Jennifer Novak John Sangiovanni
Regional Director Western 2

Rosa Serratore Tom Stricklin
Additional information the election as well as information about each candidate shown and a summary of duties of each open position may be found by clicking HERE.
Remember, NCSM is depending on YOU to VOTE in the upcoming election. All voting is online and requires only a few minutes.
From Donna Leak, NCSM Nominations Chair
Registration and Housing are Now Open for NCSM 2020 Annual Conference

Conference Dates
March 30 – April 1, 2019
Conference Location Chicago, IL
Have you registered yet??
The 52nd NCSM Annual Conference will be held in Chicago, IL on March 30-April 1, 2020.
Online registration is now open for the conference. Information about conference fees can be found HERE.
Early Bird Rate: 8/21/19 - 10/25/19 Regular Rate: 10/26/19 - 3/6/19 Onsite Rate: 3/28/19 - 4/1/19
Click HERE to register for the conference.
Hotel Reservations are now available online as well. The host hotel for NCSM 52nd Annual Conference is the Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E. Wacker, Chicago, IL 60601.
More information about the hotel and their rates can be found HERE.
You can make your reservations HERE for rooms at the Chicago Hyatt Regency.
You can sign-up now to volunteer at the conference. What a great way to meet new mathematics friends and help out. We love our volunteers!
For more information about the volunteer opportunities available, click HERE.
You can volunteer directly by clicking HERE. Thanks in advance!
The 2020 NCSM Annual Conference focuses on answering the question, “What are the essential actions for all mathematics leaders?”
Our 2020 Keynote Speaker will be Jennie Magiera who will be speaking about Courageous Edventures.

The early innovators are out innovating, but what about the many who hope to follow on their own adventure? These educators often feel the pull but hesitate due to the obstacles along the way. This talk charts a course to identify and navigate around those obstacles so everyone can find the courage to journey into the limitless possibilities of the unknown -- and discover their own version of classroom innovation.
For more information about Jennie Magiera, click HERE.
Please click HERE for additional information about the 2020 Conference.
Stay tuned for spotlights on the incredible program!
We will see you in Chicago!
From Ruth Harbin Miles, Conference Coordinator and Maria Everett, 1st Vice President
Get Your Thinking Caps On! We Want a New Name for our NCSM Newsletter! Contest Alert!
With all the things "news" constantly coming to our inboxes, televisions and in our newspapers, it's time to put a new name to our NCSM Newsletter!
The purpose of the NCSM Newsletter is to advance the mission and vision of the NCSM by:
- Informing the membership of the on-going activities of the Council, and up-to-date information about issues, trends, programs, policy, and practice in mathematics education
- Promoting networking and collaboration among NCSM members and other stakeholders in the education community.
Click HERE for more information about our Newsletter and to see back issues for some inspiration.

We want you to give us some ideas for what we can call our Newsletter.
The contest’s time is short!
All entries are due to Sandie Gilliam, NCSM Newsletter Editor, by October 8, 2019.
Click HERE to enter the contest or you can email Sandie at [email protected] with your idea for a new name for the NCSM Newsletter.
The winning name will be selected by the NCSM Board, and the winner will receive one year’s complimentary membership or renewal.
Thanks in advance for helping us with a new name for the NCSM Newsletter!
From Sandie Gilliam, NCSM Newsletter Editor
