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NCSM...Where Mathematics Leaders Go To Learn

Registration Open for the Virtual NCSM Winter Leadership Seminars
Virtual Seminar 1
NOVEMBER 9, 2020
Bold Mathematics Leaders: Setting a Vision for Change
Virtual Seminar 1
FEBRUARY 8, 2021
Bold Mathematics Leaders: Coaching as a Vehicle to Influence Change
NCSM is offering two one-day virtual seminars to expand your professional learning network while working side-by-side using the wealth of materials provided to enhance your leadership. If you are a teacher leader, coach, administrator, or supervisor you won’t want to miss out on these professional learning seminars!
In Seminar 1 (November 9, 2020), you will set a vision for change in order to develop a strategic plan personalized to your vision for math instruction and coaching. Mathematics leaders will leave equipped to develop a shared vision for mathematics instruction and implement high leverage teaching strategies.
In Seminar 2 (February 8, 2021), you will develop a deeper understanding of coaching structures, providing feedback, strategies for addressing unproductive beliefs, and have opportunities to practice your coaching skills.
Register Online NOW for the Virtual Seminars.
Registration Fees
One Day - NCSM Member $49 One Day - Non-Member $89 Two Day - NCSM Member $79 Two Day - Non-Member $139
Registration Deadlines
Please register by the following dates for each winter seminar:
by November 4, 2020 for Bold Mathematics Leaders: Setting a Vision for Change scheduled on November 9, 2020.
by February 3, 2021 for Bold Mathematics Leaders: Coaching as a Vehicle to Influence Change on February 8, 2021.
NOTE: Space is limited for the 2020-2021 NCSM Virtual Seminars. You may opt to register for one or both seminars as spaces are available.
For additional information on the virtual seminars, visit the NCSM Website.
From Gina Rivera and Jenny Novak, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
NCSM St. Louis Summit Rescheduled to April 25-27, 2021

The NCSM Bold Leadership Summit will now be held in St. Louis on April 25-27, 2021. The event will have the same inspiring speakers and program. The Summit will start Sunday at 2:00 PM with our keynote speaker, Ken Williams and continue as planned throughout the next two days, Monday and Tuesday, with all of the featured speakers as originally planned.
The NCSM Bold Leadership Summit event will be limited to 750 attendees. On Monday and Tuesday, breakfast and lunch will be included for all attendees. Special events will include time for reflection and review of the information learned throughout the event as you strengthen your mathematics leadership for those you serve.
Please visit our WEBSITE for the additional program details.
To register for the NCSM Bold Leadership Summit in St. Louis, April 25-27, 2021, click HERE.
Member |
Non-Member |
Full Registration |
$450.00 |
$540.00 |
Early Bird |
420.00 |
500.00 |
Early Team (4 or more)* |
400.00 |
480.00 |
*Early Team: If it is a team, an NCSM member on the team pays $400, a non-member on the team pays $480. Team registration ends February 1, 2021.
From Connie Schrock, Summit Coordinator
Fall 2020 NCSM Inspiration! online for members

In the Fall 2020 issue, NCSM provides reflections on and ideas for leading during these critical times..
The NCSM Inspiration! is available to all members and can be found HERE along with the latest issue of the NCSM Journal.
In addition, for non-members, there is a FREE PREVIEW from the Summer 2020 Inspiration! to provide a taste of what kind of articles are included in the quarterly NCSM Inspiration! available with NCSM membership.
From Gwen Zimmerman, and Kim Romain, NCSM Inspiration! Co-Editors
TODOS: Mathematics for All Announcement
TODOS is pleased to present the first two of four commentaries in support of our recently released position statement, The Movement to Prioritize Antiracist Mathematics: Planning for This and Every School Year. The commentaries provide deeper discussions into areas we've determined imperative for antiracist teaching.
In Centering our Humanity: Addressing Social and Emotional Needs in Schools and Mathematics Classrooms, we offer suggestions for putting the well-being of children and their families first before focusing on academic content acquisition and growth.
As you read Student and Family-Centered Mathematics Assessment, consider how you might re-think and create different methods of understanding what students currently know. In antiracist teaching there is no place for assessments that label, sort, traumatize, and discourage children.
Remember, we are not going back to the way things were. Let's do school a better (new) way.
Special Call for Manuscripts: Voices from the Field
The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators' publication Connections is seeking brief manuscripts on field experiences in mathematics teacher education during this time of COVID-19, with a specific focus on current challenges, responses, and/or lessons learned.
Given the differing impacts of and responses to COVID-19 in states, universities, and PreK-12 schools, this exchange of ideas allows us to learn from one another in varying contexts in a timely way.
Submissions should be no longer than 6 pages and will undergo a blind review. Manuscripts submitted by October 26th will be considered for the upcoming Winter 2020 issue, and those received after this date may need to be considered for the Spring 2021 issue.
Additional information and the call for manuscripts can be found HERE.
All NCSM members are automatically subscribed to NCSM's Insider. Anyone can subscribe to this electronic newsletter (members and non-members).
Encourage others to subscribe. Forward this issue to your friends and colleagues who work in or have an interest in mathematics education leadership - or have them click here where they can subscribe themselves.
Insider Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be the NCSM Insider editor.
Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.

September 2020 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff
Thank you for being a part of NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education, the premier mathematics leadership organization. As we navigate new and recurring challenges this year, it is time to pause and celebrate the work that has been accomplished.
For many years, NCSM has hosted a business meeting at its annual conference. With the cancellation of the 2020 annual conference in Chicago last March, there was not an opportunity for members to learn more about the important work of the organization.
Therefore, NCSM is proud to release the 2019-2020 NCSM Annual Report for each member to read. In our annual report, you will learn more about the work of the board - from our newest publications, current membership information, regional director and treasurer reports, to a preview of leadership events coming in 2021.
The recent events of 2020 show NCSM’s mission and vision are more important than ever. As such, NCSM continues to respond to mathematics leaders’ needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and strives to build a better and more equitable education system for each and every child.
Join me in celebrating the work of the NCSM organization. Know you are a valued member of an organization dedicated to supporting mathematics leaders and ensuring the mathematics learning of every student. I look forward to another strong year of learning and growing together as members of NCSM.

From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
Speaker Proposals for the 53rd Annual NCSM Conference in Atlanta, September 20-22, 2021 Accepted Now until November 1, 2020

In 2021, NCSM celebrates its 53rd Annual Conference, continuing its dedication to the life-long learning of bold mathematics education leaders. NCSM is committed to supporting leaders’ work in inspiring high-quality mathematics teaching and learning every day for each and every learner.
If you Aspire to bold mathematics leadership, come to Atlanta, Georgia to share your knowledge and experience to Activate our collective understanding so that we may all Act together and Amplify Bold Mathematics Leadership that inspires high quality mathematics learning for each and every student.
We invite proposals that focus on the five focus strands for the 53rd Annual NCSM Conference.
Click HERE to access the Proposal System.
Aspire to Bold Mathematics Leadership: What makes a bold mathematics leader? What are the many ways we grow throughout our journey in mathematics leadership? How do leaders ensure that they and every teacher possess a shared understanding and vision of high-quality mathematics instruction? What roles can an aspiring leader play to promote and provide high-quality, equitable teaching and learning for students? How do experienced leaders empower and nurture a culture of productive professionalism that will help develop and sustain quality leaders in mathematics education? How do leaders plan and manage change?
Proposals in this strand will focus on the development of mathematics leaders as change agents (whether they be at the classroom, building/site, district or provincial/national level) focused on defining and developing a shared vision for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning via attention to assessment, curriculum and instructional design in mathematics as well as managing change.
Activate Leadership for Access and Equity: What does it mean to lead for equity? How can we remove barriers and provide all students with access to rigorous, meaningful curriculum taught by highly effective teachers? How can we meet the needs of all learners and ensure that each and every student has access to meaningful and relevant mathematics? How can we help each and every student to build mathematical understanding that will improve their lives and improve the world? How can we ensure that organizational structures, time and resource allocation, and systemic supports are aligned, intentional and equitable? What principles of equity and access can be leveraged to support high-quality mathematics teaching and learning?
Proposals in this strand will focus on equitable practices relating to the needs of diverse learners (emergent bilinguals, students with special needs, students requiring gifted and talented supports); eliminating deficit views in mathematics learning, and eradicating mathematics as a gatekeeper. Proposals in this strand will also seek to actively engage teachers and leaders of mathematics to deepen their professional knowledge base and instructional practice with mathematics aimed at meeting the needs of every student.
Activate Teachers as Leaders: How do we ensure that assumptions, beliefs, expectations and habits are examined in order to shape the school or department’s culture around teaching and learning mathematics in productive ways? How might we ensure a culture of reflection, refinement, and action focused on the continuous improvement in mathematical learning for teachers and their students?
Proposals in this strand will focus on improving the mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge of teachers by helping to develop a clear understanding of high-quality mathematics instruction and how to support it. Proposals should also address structures for continued job-embedded professional learning around design and enactment of curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Activate and Empower others through Mathematics Coaching: What can coaches do to ensure high-quality, equitable mathematics teaching and learning for each and every student? How can coaches support practitioners in the classroom to provide access to grade level content and intensification based on evidence of student learning? How can coaches support quality curriculum, instruction and assessment?
Proposals in this strand will share innovative and successful coaching practices that support the mathematical learning of teachers and their students. Sessions will help coaches build their own capacity to support high-quality, equitable mathematics teaching and learning for every student.
Amplify Mathematics Leadership: How can we amplify and achieve the NCSM vision for mathematics teaching and learning? How can we establish and nurture a culture of productive professionalism that spreads quality mathematics learning to every student? What relationships can we build to engage all stakeholders in meaningful ways in high-quality, mathematics instruction? What tools and resources can we use to broaden our reach as leaders?
Proposals in this strand will address the development of strong partnerships that leverage the power of community partnerships and collaborative teams for ensuring that curriculum offers opportunity for rigor, depth and conceptual understanding for all students.
Visit the NCSM Website for additional information about the 53rd NCSM Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA from September 20-22, 2021.

From Shawn Towle, NCSM First Vice-President
Have You Checked Out the NEW Look of the NCSM Website?
We have refashioned our NCSM website with a brand new look. You can check it out at HERE.
From Natalie Crist, Web Editor