The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!
Registration is Open for the 2019 NCSM Summer Leadership Academy: Empower Coaches and Teacher Leaders as Agents of Change for ALL Learners
THEME: Empower Coaches and Teacher Leaders as Agents of Change for ALL Learners
DATES: July 22-24, 2019
HOTEL: Madison Marriott West, 1313 John Q Hammons Drive, Middleton, WI 53562. To make a hotel reservation, please call (608) 831-2000 and ask for the NCSM Leadership Academy group rate.
Or make your hotel reservation online. Book by June 1, 2019.
Registration Fees:
Madison, WI
by 6/30/19
7/01/19 to 7/15/19
(based on availability)
Team Rate (a team is three or more people)
NCSM Member
Individual Rate
NCSM Member
More information about the Summer Leadership Academy, Registration, and hotel and hotel rates can be found HERE on the NCSM website.
From Jackie Palmquist and Gina Rivera, NCSM Professional Learning Directors
Call for 2020 Conference Proposals for Chicago!
Conference Dates March 30 – April 1, 2019
Conference Location Chicago, IL
IT'S TIME!! The 52nd NCSM Annual Conference will be held in Chicago, IL on March 30-April 1, 2020.
We invite you to submit a proposal to present at the premier mathematics education leaders' conference.
Click HERE to submit your proposal.
Proposals will be accepted until June 1, 2019.
Please click HERE for additional information about the 2020 Conference.
From Maria Everett, 1st Vice President
Summer 2019 NCSM Newsletter is NOW Available Online...Check It Out!
The Summer Issue of the NCSM Newsletter is available both a pdf download and in our interactive flipbook format.
Click HERE or on the image below to access the Summer 2019 Newsletter.
This issue focuses on summer learning opportunities, including the Summer Leadership Academy in Madison, Wisconsin. In their themed article, our Regional Directors offer their suggestions for summer learning. NCSM President Mona Toncheff urges us to reflect and ask "Now what?" as we move further into bold mathematics leadership.
The Newsletter team hopes that you are continuing to enjoy our new flipbook features as we continue to roll them out. In this issue we highlight Past President Connie Schrock's tenure with a photo gallery. Click on the photo on page 7 of the Summer 2019 Newsletter to view the images.
Additional flipbook features include a direct link to each article from the Table of Contents. Within the articles, there are links to specific pages on the for further reading or more information. These links are highlighted in blue as you mouse over the article. As always, the Navigation Bar at the top of the page will allow you to print, search, bookmark, clip and translate. The Navigation Bar at the bottom of the page will allow you to move between pages.
From Karen Hyers and Sandie Gilliam, Newsletter Editors
Register Now for Two Webinars sponsored by NCSM and Texas Instruments
The MAC-CPTM Situations Project from the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Georgia published a set of Situations in Mathematical Understanding for Secondary Teaching: A Framework and Classroom-Based Situations that were drawn from incidents that occurred in classes observed by members of the Situations Project team.
Some members of this team later collaborated with members of NCSM to produce a Guidebook with six of these Situations. The Guidebook shows multiple ways for a facilitator to direct the professional learning of pre-service and/or in-service teachers.
The objective of the resource is to help teachers make connections among secondary mathematical ideas and to value the relevance and power of their understanding of mathematics beyond that which they teach.
These webinar sessions will familiarize the participants with this resource and provide connections to technology that will support specific situations.
Webinar #1: May 23
Situation: Circumscribing Polygons
Time: 8:00PM EDT
Presenters: Dan Ilaria, Steve Viktora and Connie Schrock
We will delve into the Situation about Circumscribing Polygons and explore how TInspire Technology can support teacher learning while engaging with the Situations.
Register HERE for Webinar #1: Circumscribing Polygons.
Webinar #2: June 13
Situation: Mean and Median
Time: 8:00PM EDT
Presenters: Landy Godbold, Steve Viktora and Connie Schrock
The Situation about Mean and Median will be the focus of this session. TI-nspire Technology will be used as an “electronic sandbox” to explore the Situation.
Register HERE for Webinar #2: Mean and Median.
GREETINGS from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2025 Mathematics Framework team at WestEd!
NAEP, also knows as the Nation's Report Card, measures student achievement in elementary and secondary schools. Public review of the Mathematics Framework draft is underway, and we would like you to be award of the offerings for stakeholder groups to become informed and provide input on this important document.
First, the Mathematics Framework draft along with further information about NAEP can be accessed HERE. By clicking the "Framework Draft" tab, interested parties can receive directions on how to download, comment on, and upload the draft. The draft will be available for comment through June 7, 2019.
Additional background information on this work can be found on our website. For example, on April 25, 2019, Suzanne Wilson from the University of Connecticut and Mike Shaughnessy from Portland Sate University discussed their work on the NAEP Mathematics Assessment Framework on the Math Ed podcast which can be heard by clicking HERE.
The podcasts as well as upcoming opportunities to engage with the draft Framework, such as webinars with members of the Council of Great City Schools, are located on the Outreach Events tab.
We look forward to any feedback you might be willing to share on this draft updated Framework.
eNews Editor
Pat Baltzley is pleased to be NCSM's eNews Editor. Please feel free to contact Pat with news, feedback, or suggestions.
May 2019 Message from the NCSM President, Mona Toncheff
“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.”
– Nelson Mandela
The end of the 2018-2019 school year is upon us. As I write this eNews message, I am preparing for two major family celebrations in May. We have a daughter graduating from college and our youngest son is graduating from high school. Friends and family will be joining the festivities to celebrate the milestones with graduation ceremonies, award nights, and gatherings. My son is looking forward to college as he begins the next segment of his journey, whereas my daughter’s next steps are as not as defined. She has to plan, budget, and navigate her way into a career that she has spent four years pursuing. For her, this is a time of reflection on her successes as well as a time to identify possible challenges in her next steps. As one milestone ends, the next milestone awaits.
Such a moment of reflection is also happening now for mathematics leaders as we close the school year. As one school year ends, what will the next school year bring? What are the successes from the year and what possible challenges lie ahead? What are some of the reflection questions we need to ask ourselves as leaders as we move into the 2019-2020 school year? Consider the following:
- What student learning improved because of our work with teachers and leaders?
- What impact on instruction and assessment can be observed because of our work with teachers and leaders?
- What structures or supports were implemented to meet the needs of each and every learner?
By recognizing the successes, we provide an opportunity to celebrate and simultaneously begin to intentionally plan the continued work into next year. We reflect on any unfinished work navigate next steps.
As you prepare for the 2019-2020 school year, I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on your impact related to student learning this school year. What are those actions to celebrate? What are those actions that you need to take to continue improving the mathematics learning of students? Through reflection, make next year the best one yet!
From Mona Toncheff, NCSM president
Congratulations to Gail Burrill as the recipient of the 2019 Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert Award!
This annual award is given to someone who has demonstrated bold leadership in mathematics education. Gail’s contributions to bold leadership are numerous.
Currently, she is the President of the International Association for Statistical Education, Past Chair of the United States National Commission on Mathematics Instruction, Chair of the College Board Advanced Placement Development Committee, and Senior Mathematics Advisor to Texas Instruments Education Technology.
We look forward to sharing more of what makes Gail Burrill this year’s Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert awardee in our summer newsletter.
From Samantha Wuttig, Awards Chair
Have You Checked Out the New NCSM Publications in the NCSM ONLINE STORE?
NCSM Essential Actions: Instructional Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM 2019)
List price: $26.00 Member price: $24.00
School-based administrators wear many hats as the primary instructional leader to the students, teachers, and community they serve. The latest book from NCSM in the Essential Action Series is a go-to resource for principals as they work toward increasing mathematics learning for each and every learner. This hands-on resource details the essential actions for mathematics leadership.
NCSM Essential Actions: Coaching in Mathematics Education (NCSM 2019)
List price: $28.00 Member price: $26.00
Mathematics coaching has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to increase teacher effectiveness and student learning. The book Coaching in Mathematics Education, from NCSM's new Essential Action Series, will serve as a guiding reference for coaches, teachers, administrators, and others as mathematics coaching programs become more prevalent throughout schools worldwide.
Acknowledging Our Role in the Education Debt: Working to Transform School Mathematics for Learners of Color (NCSM and EDC, 2019)
Editors: Eden M .Badertscher and Melissa D. Boston
List price: $12.00 Member price: $10.00
This monograph by the Designing for Equity by Thinking in and about Mathematics (DEbT-M) team offers NCSM members a thorough look at the project's journey aimed at facing, understanding, and acting on race-based inequities in order to close the opportunity gap for secondary mathematics students who have been systematically marginalized in schools. Each chapter was selected through a proposal process with an internal review before being included in this monograph. The project leaders brought this idea for publication to NCSM so that multiple voices (e.g., teachers, leaders, administrators, math educators, mathematicians) become the partners that all teachers deserve in this work. Districts are often in reaction mode instead of charting a course and supporting that course over the years, as needed to make a difference. Changes like those discussed in this monograph require significant learning, time, and commitment to produce a payoff that is valuable for each and every learner.
You can access the NCSM Online Store HERE.
THANK YOU to Our Sponsors for Their Support of the 2019 NCSM Conference!
NCSM gratefully acknowledges the generous support and contributions made by our Elite Sponsors. All members and conference attendee are encouraged to express their appreciation to each company through the contacts indicated below.
- Monday Night Reception
- Conference Program Ad
- Sponsor Showcase
Jon Wolff - [email protected]
- Tuesday Night Reception
- Sponsor Showcase
Jessica Villalta Byrne - [email protected]
MIND Research (Gold Elite Sponsor):
- Wednesday Luncheon (partial)
- Partial Fall Leadership Seminars (Hartford, CT and Seattle, WA)
Stephanie [email protected]
Pearson Education (Gold Elite Sponsor):
- Tuesday Breakfast
- Sponsor Showcase
Robert [email protected]
Agile Mind (Silver Elite Sponsor):
Linda Chaput - [email protected]
Casio Education (Silver Elite Sponsor):
- Conference Volunteer T-Shirts
- Conference Bags
- Conference Program Ad
John Andersen - [email protected]
Curriculum Associates (Silver Elite Sponsor):
- $15,000 donation
- Sponsor Showcase
Kathy Walsh
From Jeannie Toshima and Ronni David, NCSM Sponsor Liaisons